Rained Out

I was in a sour mood yesterday, was looking forward to a nice long bike ride but the torrential rain ended that thought. I took this sour mood over to the “going up on the eBay auction” pile and as if the pile and I were in some sort of sync I found this copy of Detective Comics #284 on top. Misery loves company, Negative Walt, meet Negative Batman. Some things are just destined, meant to be, Detective Comics #284 is our cover of the week.

Honestly I think Detective Comics #284 took offense to me disturbing its Negative space, I think it felt used and it showed its displeasure while I was going though the book counting the pages by giving me a cut out ad coupon. Now I’m even more miserable. That Seven Steps to Guilt article didn’t help matters much, don’t look at me, I didn’t cut the damn coupon out!

I tried to salvage something positive out of Detective Comics #284 by checking out the three Splash Pages but it was not giving me anything, nada, nishta, zilch, all duds in may view. Luckily I had a Detective Comics #285 near by and took a liking to the Splash Page for the Roy Raymond story, art by Ruben Moreira.

I think the rain had stopped, and the clouds, sensing they may have overstayed their welcome quickly drifted to the east. My copy of Detective Comics #284 must have sensed this because as a turned the next page I was treated to this DC house ad for Justice League of America #1. Seeing an ad like this must have been exciting for DC fans, back then there were no Diamond Previews or online teasers, I bet this ad did the trick.

Last nights results for the icecollectibles weekly eBay auction came in hot and heavy, I was happy with how well our raw incomplete copy of Action Comics #252 did, I was hoping for $500 but it finishing at $455 seemed like a stable and fair result.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. I love the Batman and Detective comics from that period. I have a few of them but I have many more in reprints. They are among the most read works in my collection.

  2. They’re getting harder and harder to track down Ron, at least in presentable condition, reprints are a blessing for Batman and Detectives from this era.

  3. Methinks I would have loved that JLA ad back in the day Walt, but today Im more intrigued by the perky little policewoman. Back off Martian Manhunter !!!

  4. I know how you felt seeing that cut coupon! When I was selling, I had a few issues that I thought I would sell great and then would find a cut out or missing page! Arrgh! When I was young I must have only been after completing a run!

  5. It would have been nice and courteous of those coupon clippers if they would have made a photostat of the coupon and left the page intact and original.
    Oh wait, they didn’t have that technology back then, just pencils and crayons.
    I hate those books.

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