Long Weekend Delay

Our fearless editor Scott always tells me to have one or two columns in the bag but I just can’t seem to get there. I think it’s the pressure I like or maybe it’s something closer to what Scott says it is…

I’ll have my post up for Tuesday AM, apologies.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1845


  1. With the hangover you’re going to have tomorrow, from all that booze, I can see you now, bent over the toilet, moaning, “it’s not easy being green!”

  2. On a more comic-related note: I’ve noticed that most of the comics listed under Canadian comics on eBay have relatively high prices, yet they don’t even have one bid yet. It seems the sellers are wishfully thinking of what they want for their books without giving buyers a chance to even bid.

    Subsequent bids would only increase the prices on the items. It seems like they’re putting the cart before the horse. They should just list a BIN and get it over with, quickly. To make it look as if the prices were randomly bid on, they start with random numbers like $38.72 or $29.67 etc… instead of $40.00 or $30.00.

    I don’t think this is just a Canadian section phenomenon but probably extends right across eBay. Anyone else notice this?

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