Crisp and Clean

What a beautiful weekend in Southern Ontario, it was cold and crisp and the air felt clean, it was perfect weather for comic booking and I did lots of it. Don’t ask me how but I’m renting that large warehouse space, the one I was in a rush to move out of by October 31st last year, the owner has not signed a new tenant yet so I asked him if we could swing a deal for February. Basically I can’t seem to find the room to process those 800 or so long boxes we have strewn over four physical sites, at Big B on Upper James in Hamilton, at the warehouse offices in Ancaster, at my friends factory in Burlington and in my garage. The issue is this, sequential runs are working well on our weekly icecollectibles eBay auction so finding lets say Daredevil #188 and 189 in Ancaster is not much use if #190 to 195 are in Burlington and #185 to 187 are in the shop in Hamilton. The mission is simple, get all the boxes back in the big warehouse space and go all hands on deck to get all the titles together and put them in numerical order. We’ve got a full crew lined up in myself, Jay, Adam, Riley, Chris Owen, Jon, and a few more guys I’ll invite over for drinks and then rely on their humanity to jump into the fray with us. I’ll try to take some pics and give some updates as we go.

Our Covers of the Week did not come from our “going to eBay auction” pile this week, they came from Chris Owen’s personal stash. After we posted our Chris And Walt’s YouTube video on the Top Ten TMNT Cover knock offs (click here to see the video) Chris went digging to see how many of the covers he actually had. I was impressed that he had the six pictured below. I’, not sure what kind of man collects this kind of stuff but I am sure he’s be a good man to have a drink with, that Owen, he’s one of the good ones.

Our Splash Page of the Week did come from our “going to eBay auction” pile and its a great Gene Colan piece from Daredevil #48 featuring Stilt Man. What would Gene Colan’s defining run be? His Daredevil Run? His Tomb of Dracula run? I thought he flexed his creative muscles more with the Dracula run, I like both but I think Mr. Colan might have liked the Tomb of Dracula stint better?

Last night’s we closed out a massive icecollectibles weekly eBay auction, it was probably our biggest weekly auction ever, not counting our specialty auctions like Canadiana etc. We had a good volume of listings and we had great results, especially with our raw lots. It was nice to see a strong result for this run of Brave and the Bold #191 to 200, they went for $99 USD. These are nice copies, but they are hard to sell individually because of their low value and shipping costs but, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, little sequential runs seem to find acceptance in the marketplace.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1846


  1. While I loved Gene’s Daredevil run, his ToD run, Brother Voodoo, Captain America, Ironman…( I am sure there is more), for me it was his stint on Doctor Strange! No one could render Clea like ‘the Dean’!

  2. GE, I was thinking the same thing! For me, Doctor Strange #182 is the book I’m sitting anyone down with if they want to see Gene at his peak…I love how the panelling structure reflects the chaos within!

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