
We say hello and send best wishes to all our American friends this Memorial Day weekend.

I tried to get one last press release about our just posted Canadiana auction into the monthly CGC newsletter last week; we’ve been submitting press releases for a few years and casually sent off our blurb for their June 1st newsletter. We got an email reply back with a link to their new rate card: I now have to pay $500 USD to get a monthly blurb into their newsletter! Gah! Needless to say, I did not send a press release. Google Ads here we come.

This time I really mean it: Chris and I have got back into the swing of recording the Comic Culture podcast, We’ll have a show posted for this Wednesday morning. It’s been tougher than I wanted it to be just getting back into a groove but we just recorded a show and had a lot of fun with it, and we were lucky enough to have the great Shekky Feldstein join us.

Last night we launched our long-awaited Canadiana eBay auction which ends Wednesday, June 8th. We ended up with 208 lots listed. There’s lots of juicy stuff, check it out here, you’ll have to scroll through the 90 or so lots that are ending next Sunday as part of our weekly auction before you get to the Canadiana items. Here’s a sample of some of the gems you’ll find on the auction: Women Outlaws #3 published by Canada’s Superior Publishing in the late 1940s.

There was a nice stack of books destined for our next week’s eBay auction and the cover that really caught my eye was Tom McKimson’s gem for Four Color #123. It helps that the copy we are offering up is in nice shape; the colours pop off the cover and look at that composition.

Remember all those Good Girl Art covers on the old Wings Comics? They are all highly collectible and we’re lucky enough to be running a copy of Wings #91 next week. I was counting the pages and was surprised at just how hard the boys went on the inside pages as well. Have a look at this two-page spread, T and A are amply covered as are the gam shots. A dame with a nice set of gams was the ticket back in the day…

I’m starting to see some Charlton Comics in week’s eBay batch. This is the stuff from the 1960s where Charlton tried hard to tap into the Superhero revival brought about by Marvel comics; check out some of their lineup in this ad from Thunderbolt #58.

The weeks seem to speed by quicker with the nicer weather; last night another of our internationalcollectiblesexchange weekly eBay auctions ended with some interesting results. A solid little run of Batlash #1 to #7, the complete set, sold for $222.50 USD. A strong price for a title that doesn’t get much love.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. I don’t bother to read those CGC advertising emails so I think you are making the right call.

    I have a copy of that Four Color that I bought on the spur of the moment for the same reasons you’re posting it – just a beautiful funny book.

    Wings #91 is one of those that has always gotten away for me – any copies I have been interested in always went for just too much. You’ve kept my interest alive.

    What was DC thinking with Bat Lash? I guess the question is, what was DC thinking in the late sixties? Back in the day the poster child for all of this was Brother Power, weirdest of the many concepts with no legs. While Marvel was building modern mythology, DC was wasting its time with these weird tangents. Advantage: seller.

  2. Chris Meli

    i was the one who bought those Bat Lashes . i was a complete Marvel guy from the late 60’s to the late 80’s . then i started to buy DC’s . these Bat Lashes have great Nick Cardy art in them . i really enjoy DCs’ quirkiness in the 60’s . i can’t wait to get them , read them and enjoy them . to me , advantage buyer !!! HAH !!!

  3. Shekky Feldstein!!!

    His name can rightly be placed next to Milton Finger, Jerry Siegel, Joseph Shuster, Stanley Lieber, Jacob Kurtzberg and Will Eisner.

  4. Always thought that Bugs cover was one of the best. Who wouldn’t want to read that story…and Bugs as an Uncle Scrooge tradition adventurer? Sure, why not?

    Bat Lash was an odd duck, but the artwork was lovely, lovely stuff. Nick Cardy was one of DC’s gems, as good as Adams when he was at his best.

    I grew up with those Charlton heroes. After so many years of churning out mostly crap, except for the Ditko works, thanks to some fine talents like Giordano and PAM and others, and Ditko doing his post-Spidey thing, Charlton did have a good superhero run. The Peacemaker, Thunderbolt, and especially the Blue Beetle, they were fine strips with fun stories and well drawn.

    The semi-prozine The Charlton Bullseye helped promote their hero days and it was a wonderful, underated publication of original material by rising new talents and some old timers like Ditko and Giordano….Grab them if you can and get the inside track on the best from Charlton, when the young turks took over.

  5. I have a couple if the Bug/Porky issues but not with as fun a cover as the one you present. I remember the Charlton issues in the 70’s when Joe Stanton was drawing E-Man snd some new comer by the name of Byrne was doing a robot cop backup story… wonder what ever happened to that guy…

  6. I’m with Meli on those late 60s DC’s but to each his own, I dig Cardy though. And theat Wings #91 cover is one of the better ones, feel free to bid Meli, tight book but has water damage.

    Hard not to love that Bugs cover, so rich and lush and as I said, such a great composition.

    Nice to see you are a fan of the Charltons Bud, I’ve always loved their cheezy romance books from the late 1960s on but I’ve been appreciating their earlier stuff to as I see more of them.

    Shekky’s fanbase is legion and reaches all corners of the globe, he’s undeniable.

  7. Holy cow, that Better #1 really jumped up fast. A buddy of mine has those Batlash comics but he’s missing #2, the tombstone cover. Quite a few Whites and ECs up for grabs. I used to read Charlton space comics way back then. They were quite diferent than the other companies offerings and I liked them best.

  8. One of the great things about Charlton, besides all those wonderful Ditko books, were the westerns by PAM (Pete Morisi). A beautiful clean line almost as spare as Toth.

  9. I see Better #1 has pushed into the realm where us poor folks could never afford it.

  10. Sorry I missed this auction, Walt. I have been tied up with other projects the past couple of weeks, had my head buried in the sand and mixed up the dates. I feel you, Klaus. Looks like I am never going to be able to afford a Better Comics # 1 either. Congratulations, Walt, on what achieving just over $18,000 on this one!

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