A nice Polar Vortex has settled in over beautiful Southern Ontario making thigs nice and raw. With all the warm weather the first half of this winter I’ve found myself welcoming this freeze. A polar Vortex alone would not normally cause a delay in me posting but my catching a bit of a bug and being stuck at home moping all weekend has put me behind a bit. I hope to have something up for tomorrow.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. i was perusing the site, looking to see if anyone had ever expressed an opinion on Hulk #180 (undervalued, overvalued, people keep arguing but have they even read it or the run?)…when i found myself reading an article by Mike Huddleston; https://www.comicbookdaily.com/columns/arcs-runs/the-big-twelve/

    Firstly, great article Mike…for those looking for some good reading in the winter vortex, great fun!

    Secondly, contains a great comment by Bud Plant.

    I miss those guys…how do we get them writing again????

    C’mon Walt…I’ve heard a rumour Mike likes a mean breakfast, sling him a voucher to his favourite cafe for every article he writes??? oh, and take care of yourself big guy!

  2. I’ll get on these guys right away Spider… I mean I’ll bug them to write some more articles for us. I need some of that Oz heat right now.

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