New Comic Book Price Guide

The HC version of this one is my weapon of choice

The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide 42nd Edition by Robert M. Overstreet has just hit the stands.

The guide is simply the best tool we have in the hobby!

I always get excited when the new guide comes out. The first thing I usually do is look for the Big B Comics ad, to make sure it looks the way it should (this is something I should probably do before I send them the file). We’re on page 235 by the way; check out the little Comic Book Daily blurb at the bottom. I never rush to our ad though; I always look at the other ads and give an internal thumb up or thumb down. Advantage advertiser!

Next I scan the top comics in each tier section which starts on page #164 this year. This section is always interesting. See my thoughts on this section below.

Then I take some time and I read the market reports that are submitted by the advisors. As always Robert Overstreet has the first say. This section starts on page #65 and should be read by anyone serious about the hobby. The Big B Comics report by Marc and myself can be found on page 89.

It was nice to see someone join me in a bit of praise for the Overstreet Guide. Not enough of the advisors acknowledge the hard work the team at Overstreet does year in and year out. Hats off to Heritage Auction’s Steve Borock for giving props!

I’m always exhausted by the time I’ve read through the reports; I usually need a nap after the epic Sulipa and Farrell reports.

That is pretty well my routine. From here on in I just randomly enjoy the guide.

OK so here are some quick comments I jotted down while perusing the Top Comics section of the Guide (Page #164 is where this section starts).

  • Nice to see a gap open up between Archie #1 and Pep #22 (1st appearance of Archie). Pep #22 is now $20k more and that gap should widen.
  • Have always thought Superman #1 was overvalued, it sits as the 3rd most expensive comic at $650k, it should eventually be caught by Marvel Comics #1 (now at $475k).
  • Pep #22 had the biggest increase of the top 100 at 57% from $70k to $110k.
  • No books went down in price though 15 of the top 100 showed 0% increase including Green Lantern #1 and Young Allies #1.
  • Why is All American #16 worth more than Captain America #1?
  • They should really expand the Silver Age to the Top 50 next year.
  • Amazing Fantasy #15 is running away with the Silver Age  at $150k a full 67% more than the closest rival FF#1 and Hulk #1 at $90k.
  • FYI Amazing Fantasy #15 would be tied for 10th most expensive book with More Fun #52 and just behind Flash #1.
  • I think FF #1 should be worth more than Hulk #1.
  • Journey into Mystery #83 is overvalued, Tales of Suspense #39 is undervalued.
  • Avengers #1 shot up 67% from $15k to $25k.
  • Showcase #8 and Showcase #9 showed 0% increase! Showcase #9 should have gone down in value!
  • Bronze Age should go to the top 20, if there are the top 20 Big Little Books surely there should be a top 20 Bronze Age.
  • I hate the Star Wars #1 and Iron fist #14 price variants!
  • Amazing Spider-Man #129 should be worth more than the DC 100 Page Super Spectacular #5 and yet it’s not!
  • Cerebus #1 shot up the most at 25% from $1200 to $1500.
  • Too many gimmicks in the top 10 Copper Age.
  • I’ve never been able to sell a Platinum Age comic for anywhere near guide!
  • The biggest price drop of any book in any of the genre’s belongs to the Platinum Age Mickey Mouse Book, it lost 50% guide value going from $12k to $6k.
  • 6 of the top 10 Western books had 0% increases while 2 took 25%+ drops in value; yippee ki-yay.

Congratulations are due to Mr. Overstreet, J.C. Vaughn, Mark Huesman and their team; also to all the special contributors and all the advisors. Great work gang!

The latest edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide is available at fine comic shops everywhere.

Enjoy all the covers.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Nice market report Walt! I think it’s you and Marc, Doug from Paradise, Darcy from Pendragon, Doug Sulipa and myself representing Canada in the guide’s market reports this year.

  2. Thanks Kevin. We are the guardians of the north and your report (pg 83/84) was especially patriotic. I’m looking forward to your report next year, I’m interested in seeing how your views evolve as a retailer.

  3. Great informative article, and I too always get excited when the new Overstreet Price Guide comes out. I’m not sure about Journey Into Mystery #83 – first appearance of Thor – being overpriced.

    After all, Thor the movie and the Avengers movie kept that comic book in high demand for a few years, and the sequel and eventually Avengers 2 still keeps that key issue in pretty high demand also. It’s the same for Avengers #1 and #4. Any copies of those books being sold are getting swiped and fast!

    I’m not sure if you’re just basing your findings on low near mint prices. If that’s the case then none of the low near mint prices went down and many went up for the high demand key issues you covered. However, there are a few lower to mid grade copies of some key issue books that did go down slightly.

    Great post, and I agree that Superman #1 is overvalued, but there are collectors/investors out there paying ridiculous prices for a high grade copy of that book.

  4. I always read the market reports, but am suspicious that there is a little too much genre and price promotion than reporting. I’ve seen very few mention the difficulties they have had selling books at or above guide. I’ve managed to pick up quite a few deals on ebay because I’m paying half what some of the commentators say they are getting. But, I’ll keep reading. Sometimes I actually find something useful.

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