Collecting and Investing Tips #24

Convention Tip #2. ...impairs judgment and the equation bad judgment plus thousands of dollars doesn't usually add up to good...

Prepare yourself for the convention season.


Yes, the convention season is about to kick into high gear and getting as prepared as you can will greatly increase your chances of buying wisely, having fun, maximizing your time and keeping your sanity. is offering up a series of convention prep tips that are designed to turn you into a lean mean con machine. You’ll learn to think with clarity, make good split second decisions, haggle with dealers and eat right along with many other needed skills that will enhance your convention experience. Usually tips like these on a DVD can cost $19.99 + S&H but CBD is posting them absolutely free.

Convention Tip #2 –Get Plenty of Rest and Eat Right.

Most of us just do not take rest and nutrition seriously enough. Think about it, you are about to embark on a big weekend trip and you plan to get a gazillion things done at the con. Better yet, you’ll be bringing hundreds maybe even thousands of your hard earned dollars with you to spend.

Eat right

Fatigue impairs judgment and the equation bad judgment plus thousands of dollars doesn’t usually add up to good things. Never mind bad judgment, going to the con rested and well nourished will arm you with the power of good judgment. If you are in the business of making smart purchases and capitalizing on opportunities then your odds will improve exponentially if you arrive rested and ready. Remember it’s dog eat dog on the show floor.

Eating right is just as important as rest. You don’t have to be a saint but the trick at cons is not to deviate too far from your normal fare. Yeah, we can indulge here and there but the constitution is a pretty delicate thing and it will punish you with fatigue and sluggishness (and sometimes a lot worse) if you go crazy on the pork grinds and jerky all weekend.

It seems silly to put food and rest into convention tips but it really is an important ingredient to a successful convention experience. You’ll buy better, notice more, meet more people and get more done if you take the business of going to a con seriously enough. Again, cons are becoming big events and you may only be able to fit in or afford only one, so make it count.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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