Auction Highlights #99

Comic Link Focused Auction

The higher end comic book portion of the massive ComicLink Focused Auction ended Wednesday October 10th. There were over 6,000 graded comics up on what I think is their biggest auction by volume to date? A solid looking Hulk #1 graded CGC 7.0 was the top book selling for what I thought was a deal at $35,000.

Let’s look at some top 50 tidbits:

  • Heavily Marvel skewed with 44 of the top 50 being Marvel and 6 being DC
  • 12 Bronze Age books made the top 50, if we count counting the Cap #117 at CGC 9.6 as Bronze, it was the top book beating out a CGC 9.4 Hulk #181 which fetched $4916
  • There were major Marvel Keys as defined by me a long time ago
  • Only 2 CBCS books made the top 50
  • The top 50 were dominated by a high grade run of Hulk #1 to #6 and a bunch of high grade early Tales of Suspense issues
  • A Daredevil CGC 8.5 was the only Signature Series to make the top 50

OK let’s look at a few results.


Fantastic Four #45, Marvel Comics, December 1965 Graded by CGC at 9.2 with Off White pages sold for $3,122.00.

I wanted to bid on this book and I should have, the thing ended up selling for less that 60% of the last GPA sale. The market is really bottoming out on FF #45 at the moment but it’s still a big key and I think the buyer scored on this book.

Advantage Buyer


X-Men #1, Marvel Comics, September 1963 Graded by CGC at 5.0 with White pages sold for $3,600.00.

This copy went for way below GPA and I think it was because the cover appeal isn’t there on this particular copy. The page quality is fantastic though and I think all things considered this was a good buy at this price.

Advantage Buyer


Flash #163, DC Comics, August 1966 Graded by CGC at 9.4 with Off White to White pages sold for $2,400.

I think a couple of buyers got caught up on this one. The price is too high for the book.

Advantage Seller


Murderous Gangsters, Avon, December 1951 Graded by CGC at 6.5 with Cream to Off White pages sold for $750.00.

I remember having a full long box of this stuff back in the 90s and the stuff didn’t sell. I’m pretty sure this book was in there, maybe this copy??? One day Harley came by and bought the whole box. I kind of wish I just put the box away somewhere and then forgot about it until say, yesterday.

The market is loving these old books and I think the trend will continue.

Advantage Buyer



Fight Against Crime #6, Story Comics, March 1952 Graded by CGC at 6.0 with Off White pages sold for $551.00.

Another great example of the early 50s covers that are gaining favor. There’s no good girl art here but the cover subject matter is nasty and in today’s comic market the nastier the better

Advantage Buyer


So? You pick up anything ?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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