Auction Highlights #78

Auction Highlights #78, Comic Link June Focused Auction

The Silver/Bronze portion of the Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended, all results below ended between Tuesday June 26th and Wednesday June 27th.

Relatively weak auction this time around, we basically had 1 book sell above $10,000 and that was a nice CGC 8.0 copy of Fantastic Four #1 that fetched $36,000. The top 50 books combined could not crack the $200,000 mark.

This was a Marvel dominated Silver/Bronze session with 46 Marvels hogging the top 50, there were 3 DC’s and 1 Gold Key, a sweet looking Beatles Yellow Submarine at CGC 9.4.

Spidey absolutely dominated this auction, 20 of the top 50 books were Spider-Man books included in these 20 were 3 copies of Amazing Fantasy #15 (one of which I cover below).

OK so let’s have a look, shall we.

ah 78 af 15

Amazing Fantasy #15, Marvel Comics, (August 1962) Graded by CGC at 1.0 with Off White to White pages sold for $3,109. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 1.0 is $1,750.00.

OK this is an absolute rag! Yeah I know it’s a 1.0 but man, this is nasty. The cover detached, piece torn out 1st page that affects art and tape stains all help make this a hideous example of a 1.0 but the thing I don’t understand is the price.

We all know the trend of lower and mid grade copies of books getting more money is due to the fact that a lot of people are entering this market “just looking for a copy” but this is ridiculous. It makes the nice CGC 4.0 AF #15 in this same auction that sold for $8,500 look like a steal.

Advantage Seller.


ah 78 where creatures 1

Where Creatures Roam #1, Marvel Comics (July 1970) Graded by CGC at 9.6 with Off White pages sold for $347. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $60.00.

What’s with the Marvel horror reprint titles of the early 1970s? CGC 9.6 copies of Fear #1 and Beware #1 got big money too.

With this one it’s scarcity of 9.6 graded copies but for the 150th time folks this book is not rare, even in nice shape it is not rare. I suspect a few more will grade now and the book will slide towards $100 slowly and painfully for the buyer of this book.

Advantage Seller


ah 78 scooby 1

Scooby Doo #1, Charlton Comics, (April 1975) Graded by CGC at 9.0 with Off-White to White pages sold $123.00. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.0 is $72.00.

I did not know the Charlton Scoobys are this hot. The Gold Key ones are through the roof btw. This is good news for me as I have a nice high grade run lying around somewhere.

I love these books, Scooby has successfully made 2 successful generation jumps so far and I think he and the gang have a couple more left in them.

Advantage Buyer

ah 78 bb 28

Brave and the Bold #28, DC Comics, (February/March 1960) Graded by PGX at 4.0 with Light Tan to Cream sold for $1,598. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 4.0 is $1,267.

This has to be one of the worst looking 4.0’s I’ve ever seen, what the hell were the crew at PGX thinking, or did someone switch a grading label.

Which ever way you slice it this is not a 4.0, maybe a 2.5 but no way a 4.0.

So why would anyone pay so much money for a dog like this. Probably for the same reason someone spent big on that dog AF #15 I listed just above. Maybe it was the same guy that bought both?

Based on actual grade the buyer probably paid just over double guide for this comic which seems in line with the hot market for Brave and the Bold #28 currently.

I really hate the word “Tan” when discussing page quality though.

Advantage Seller

ah 78 ff 1 30

Fantastic Four #1, Marvel Comics (November 1961) Graded by CGC at 3.0 with Off White to White pages sold for $2,611.00. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 3.0 is $3,000.

ah 78 ff 1 50

Fantastic Four #1, Marvel Comics (November 1961) Graded by CGC at 5.0 with Off White to White pages sold for $6,113.00. The Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 5.0 is $5,000.

I have the 2 FF #1 results here because to me they do not make sense.

I’ve just finished telling you guys up above that the lower grade copies are out performing the higher grade ones relative to the Guide because of the “I have to have a copy” influence of new buyers entering the market.

Then comes along these 2 books and my theory goes out the window.

The CGC 3.0 sells for 87% of Guide while the CGC 5.0 sells for 122% of Guide.

Advantage Buyer on both but the 3.0 got the better deal

OK, time to spill. Did you pick anything up?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Ugh…some bidders get way too caught up in auction fever. My LCS had a solid 2-2.5 AF #15, that he sold for less than this price…

  2. My mistake, my LCS actually graded his at .5 to 1.0 but it was still in better shape than this dog..

  3. Hey Walter, have you checked out the stats on Marvel Super Heroes #18 recently. 9.2 graded copies that used to sell for under $100, pre Avengers, are selling for over $1k these days. 1000% increase within a year. Lower grade copies have spiked too. I had 3 raw copies. Sold 1 at ComicCon and sold the other 2 today (all at pre Avengers prices… so I’m still poor).

    Another book that seems kinda hot is ToS #52 & 57. The high grade ToS books have always been pricey but these mid grades seem to have picked up pace as well. I had 2 #57s, sold 1 at NF but now I’m debating whether to let my other copy go.

    Everyone has their eye on the main keys but these 2nd and 3rd tier books seem to be appreciating just as fast or faster, probably because there’s more room to grow for these. I say… sell ’em now if you’ve got ’em… agree, disagree?

    With the Falcon set to appear in the upcoming Cap and recent rumours of Vin Diesel as the Black Panther, I’m also eye-ing Cap #117 and FF#52. Vin Diesel is a long shot but considering the all white (and mostly maie) Marvel cast, the studios may need to respond to political pressure in a more meaningful way. Any good picks for female characters so we can stock up?

  4. Charlie, Ms.Marvel #1 (1st Ms. Marvel) would be a great character to stock up on. First, this book is fairly inexpensive to find in high grade, and second Marvel’s been pushing this character in recent years as their top female comic character, and she may be appearing as the second female hero in Avengers#2. That should cause her first appearance to sky rocket.
    Check out my blog :


  5. Books like MSH #18 and Iron Man #55 are showing some resilience. I remember having a CGC 9.6 of Iron Man #55 and dumping it right after the Avengers movie for good money. Thought I was the smartest guy in the world when the prices started falling. Well then they go off and start climbing again!! Same of the MSH #18, I thought it had it’s moment but look what its doming now.

    The TOS #52 and #57 are hard to get on line now at a bargain, two good characters with mass appeal will make these books always in demand I think. One could still pick these books up in collections though, at least that’s what I’m hoping.

    I’m telling you Charlie I’m not so sure about selling them now. I think new people coming into comics will stay away from the AF #15s, Hulk #1s, TOS #39s because of price. I think these lesser characters that are enjoying popularity today might have a good run in them. The thing to do is to get the crystal ball warmed up and see which of these characters will be even more popular tomorrow. Surly there is some sort of algorithm we could apply that takes trends, demographics and everything else into consideration. Maybe it will spit out Son of Satan!

    Cap #117 and FF #52 are already almost out of reach but they probably have a bit more room. I like Ms Marvel too (thanks nillyville) but I also like She-Hulk – nice and cheap and no place to go but up!

  6. Nice blog nillyville. I just finished scanning through each page and read your (Marvel) posts. I like your thinking, your presentation and the actual research you do (much better than regurgitating stuff from Wikipedia). I feel the same way about Aquaman. I’ve always viewed him as a tier 1 character, probably because of the SuperFriends cartoon but in general, underwater characters don’t seem to do all that well, including Subby. I was intrigued by your Youngblood analysis. Let’s put this pick in a pile with Liefeld’s other sleeper X-Force #2. I also like your Mrs. Marvel recommendation… She would fit in nicely with the intergalactic direction Avengers and GotG seem to be headed in.

    My only critique is that your blog feels awfully familiar. I’m not sure what your relationship with Walter is and I don’t know which came first but there is something to be said for originality. There are hordes of reviews, news and opinions out there but only one Undervalued Spotlight (that I’ve come across) until now. Why not join the merry men of CBD and consolidate your audience? It would be a win/win… no?

    In any case, I’ve got you bookmarked. I’ll be visiting more often and stocking up on Ms. Marvel. Who can resist that Farrah hairstyle!

  7. Yes nillyville, please join us at CBD. We would love a regular speculation column from you.

    Charlie you are always one step ahead of me. Thanks for soliciting nillyville. I think this might be a good time to ask you for a regular column too. Your insights are often eye opening and always interesting.

    I’m just so glad I beat everyone to the punch for X-Force #2!

  8. So who are these new buyers you’re referring to? Are they new fans? New collectors? Or speculators with no real interest in comics?
    Why do they “just need a copy”? Looking for a quick score? Just trying to grab a key book while they can? Just in some sort of panic? Will they be holding onto these books?
    Knowing who they are and what they’re doing will help to know where these books are going to go no ?
    Thanks for your insight. Been following your site recently and I usually enjoy it.

  9. Hey Nich, thanks for your comment.

    I think they are all these things you mentioned and possible a few more you’ve missed.

    It would be nice to break things down to a science and run programs to map out probabilities but that’s wishful thinking.

    Many are fans, some are speculators, some are speculator fans that think they are the gurus of comic values. Some of these new buyers will stay and mature into seasoned collectors while others will drop out. Some speculators will figure it out and do well playing this market while others will get burned, leave and never come back.

    Most people that “just need a copy” can’t afford a high grade one and these people in numbers have pushed up the prices of low grade copies to the point where some of the high grade ones look to be the better value. Some want a copy bad because they feel the books are good investments, will continue to go up and thus they have to get in now while they can afford it. Some see a trailer for a movie and panic!!

    Yes. Knowing who they are and what they are doing will help to know where these things are going but why should the market be so generous to you and hand over that info so easily.

    Does this market owe you something?

  10. My reply does seem a bit challenging but in a way I was calling you out on what seemed to me an initial comment that appeared to be looking for answers that aren’t there.

    I may have interpreted the comment incorrectly but you seemed frustrated with not being able to identify these new buyers and their intentions. I thought perhaps you’ve been affected by the state of affairs in some way and was trying to fan flames.

    You didn’t bite.

    Regardless you made good points.

    I think many non comic people entering the market are slaves to market traditions, ie. they’ll chase many of the same books we chase.

    There are other newbies coming in that are affecting the market by making choices dear to them and not tradition, these will make the market more interesting and less predictable in my view.

  11. No frustration or issues. You started this thread/ post / whatever with an auction analysis and who got the advantage – buyer or seller. That implies what those specific books will be like down the road. Similar to your undervalued spotlight. You referenced these new buyers and their actions.
    As a buyer and collector myself I was interested in more of your insight as a professional and just following up on that same topic

  12. Good stuff Nich. I appreciate your comments and input. Posts like this need feedback and discussion, as a group we can talk it through and hopefully flush out trends. Or I can just yell at people!

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