Auction Highlights #28 – Perfection

How much do you pay for perfection. This week we'll look at a group of perfect CGC graded 10.0 comics and see if they sold for millions of dollars.

How much do you pay for perfection

This week we’ll look at a group of perfect CGC graded 10.0 comics and see if they sold for millions of dollars.

Ultimate Extinction #1, Wizard World 2006 Con Edition DC Comics, (03/06), graded by CGC Signature Series (Joe Mandureira) at a perfect 10.0 with White pages sold for $189.01 on eBay on March 9th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at any grade is irrelevant. The book ans series is kind of out of sight and out of mind so I guess this is an ok price. Neutral buy/sell.



Haunt Preview, Image Comics, (07/09), graded by CGC Signature Series (Todd McFarlane and Robert Kirkman) at a perfect 10.0 with White pages sold on eBay for $325.00 on March 11th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at any grade is irrelevant. Big Todd and Robert’s Herbie fetches a pretty penny. It depends on how the series goes. Too early to make a call so I’ll stay neutral on this one.



Blackest Night Ashcan 0 Sketch Variant, Summit Retailer Promo Copy, DC Comics (06/09), graded by CGC at a perfect 10.0 with White pages sold for $1,000.00 on eBay on March 12th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at any grade is again irrelevant. Those retailer incentives always sold well at conventions and I think paying a grand for a perfect copy of the Blackest Night launch isn’t insane. I’m too on the fence for the amount of money. Neutral again (I know I’m too chicken to make a call).


Just because its perfect doesn’t mean someone will buy it!

World of Warcraft Ashbringer #1, (11/08), graded by CGC at a perfect 10.0 with White pages failed to sell on eBay on March 8th. There were no takers on the Buy It Now price of $149.99. Considering what the ones above got I’m surprised this didn’t go. Perhaps the gamers would rather spend the money on the game itself.

So money can’t buy you love but it can buy you perfection, though sometimes you may not want it.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Price Guide Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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