Auction Highlights #26

Today I’ll review some Bronze Age results; over the past 2 days we reviewed some Golden Age results and some Silver Age results

A massive focused auction just ended on ComicLink. There’s been lots of buzz on the net about this auction. Most forums are complaining about how poorly most of the comics did. Actually I thought a lot of the results were strong and I’ll go on record as saying that we needed the brakes to come on a bit. You can’t just go overpay for something on one site then put it up on another and expect to double your money. You know people thought the real estate market would keep climbing forever, leveraged based on that assumption and helped bring on the big financial meltdown of 2008. So let’s everybody get real! Please!

There’s too much good stuff for one post so I’ll do one for each era. Today I’ll review some Bronze Age results; over the past 2 days we reviewed some Golden Age results and some Silver Age results.

Conan #1, Marvel Comics (10/70), graded by CGC at 9.8 with Off White to White pages sold for $6,600.00 on ComicLink on February 16th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $400.00. Highest graded. You can’t tell me that this is not a great result for this book. Conan is not a comic book creation, he’s a transplant via the pulps from the 30’s then then the books from the 50s and 60s. His run in magazines was better written than his comic run. Not even White Pages! A great result for this book.


Fantastic Four #112, Marvel Comics (7/71), graded by CGC at 9.6 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $5,601.00 on February 16th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $250.00. 2nd highest graded. You’d think a 9.6 comic from 1971 wouldn’t be such a big deal but this comic is so collectible it defies trends. Black cover, battle cover, flagship Fantastic Four title, Hulk appearance, if you polled collectors on what would be a perfect Bronze Age book I’m sure most of the answers would fit this book.


Ghost Rider #1, Marvel Comics (9/73), graded by CGC at 9.8 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $5,600.00 on February 17th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $240.00. Highest grade.




Giant Size X-Men #1, Marvel Comics, (Summer/75), graded by CGC at 9.8 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $7,900.00 on February 17th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $1,250.00. Highest graded. This book is the cheapest of the big 3 X-Men books (Hulk #181, X-Men #94) in 9.8.




Captain America #117, Marvel Comics, (9/69), graded by CGC at 9.8 with Off White to White pages sold on ComicLink for $7,368.00 on February 16th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $150.00. Highest graded. I heard the guy selling this was disappointed at the result. I think he’s lucky to get this much.



Amazing Spider-Man #129, Marvel Comics, (2/74), graded by CGC at 9.8 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $7,900.00 on February 16th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $800.00. Highest graded. This copy is not perfectly centered so I think the true purists stayed away from this auction. Still, 10 times guide is nothing to sneeze at.


So there it is. Three days worth of highlights from a very impressive ComicLink focused auction.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Price Guide Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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