Auction Highlights #21

Comic Link’s January Focused Auction. I used the January focused auction to shed some light on just how important small differences are in the marketplace

Comic Link’s January Focused Auction

I used the January focused auction to shed some light on just how important small differences are in the marketplace. White pages, one grade higher and CGC vs. PGX will be highlighted.

One Grade Higher

asm 37Amazing Spider-Man #37, Marvel Comics (6/66), graded by CGC at 9.4 with White pages sold for $2113.00 on ComicLink on January 19th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $450.00. First off I think this is a stellar result for ASM #37. You can’t sell these comics at half guide in lower grades. A 9.4 isn’t even what they call a nose bleed grade, in fact it would seem totally attainable for a 1966 comic.

Amazing Spider-Man #37, Marvel Comics (6/66), graded by CGC at 9.2 with White pages sold for $550.00 on ComicLink on January 19th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $450.00. So what’s the damage? It turns out the difference between a 9.2 and a 9.4 is $1563. Man! I suggest sending a chocolate down with the comic when you submit for grading, or find out what the boys like to drink.


White vs. Off White to White

asm 129Amazing Spider-Man #129, Marvel Comics (2/74), graded by CGC at 9.6 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $2305.00 on January 19th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $800.00.  This book is heavily traded in this grade and is actually a good barometer of the Bronze Age market. In my opinion this is a solid performance.

Amazing Spider-Man #129, Marvel Comics (2/74), graded by CGC at 9.6 with Off White to White pages sold on ComicLink for $1807.00 on January 19th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $800.00. So we just lost $498 for having just slightly poorer page quality. Is this a bargain for the Off White to White buyer?



mshsw 8Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8, (12/84), graded by CGC at 9.9 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $725.00 on January 26th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $32.00. Honestly I thought the book would fetch a higher price in 9.9, must have been a disappointment for the seller.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8, (12/84), graded by PGX at 9.9 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $121.00 on January 26th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $32.00. The worst possible thing that could ever happen to PGX comics just happened. PGX realized 16.7% of the CGC price for the same comic in the same grade. Wow, I’m going to start buying up PGXs, crack them, send them to CGC and cash in huge! Oh? People are already doing that?

Being a fan of Jeff Smith’s Bone series I had to throw this extra item into the post.

bone 1Bone #1, Cartoon Books (7/91), graded by CGC at 9.8 with White pages sold on ComicLink for $4900.00 on January 20th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $115.00. I watched this auction wanting to bid on it. I would have won if we removed a 0 from the final price. Impressive indeed.




So there you go. It doesn’t take much sometimes does it.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Price Guide Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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