This week Walt tests Chris on comic book values: will Chris know which of the two comics Walt gives Chris is worth more according to the price guide?
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So do you know which comic is worth more?
Ever since my tablet went kaput a couple of weeks ago, I haven’t been able to hear the podcasts. My Chrome replaced itself with an older version which says your site in unsecure.
Sorry to hear Klaus, I’m not a tickie so I don’t know what to tell you. Scott, any suggestions?
I didn’t do very well on the “what’s worth more” because I may have picked instead what I would want more, I guess. It reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s remark about “A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” It also reminds me of the great Mary Margaret O’Hara, who sang, “Joy is the aim.” Ain’t it the truth?!
Mary Margret O’Hara, can you get more Irish!