What Are You Collecting

This week Chris and Walt welcome back Shekky Feldstein and together the boys wax a little nostalgic and talk a little about their current collecting strains.

Please let us know what you thought of the show:, leave your comments below.

What are you collecting? Add anything new to the mix?

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Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. I completely agree one may get reinvigorated with different subject natter as I did with Romance and Archie a few years back. As I have been going through my comics to sell I have felt like I gave some of my comics the shrift for not recognizing how great the covers were and that I never displayed them like the Drake/Infantino cover on Strange Adventures 205 I sold recently. By the way Walt… a few years back I acted on your undervalued comics thread and picked up the 2nd-6th appearance of Brainiac and for only having them a few years resold them at over double what I paid for them. Great to have the Three Amigos if CBD back together again!

  2. Gerald, great so see you acted on one of my better picks because I’ve had a few duds over the years too, and we’re glad you are enjoying the podcast.

  3. I listened to your show today but could not connect. Yah ‘all must be younger.

    Today I bought a Palmer Cox Brownie piece from The Brownies Abroad (1898, The Century Co). ‘Pure’ mischievous Brownies racing bicycles across Egypt.

    Cox was a grandfather of the comics since the early 1880s and the three books that followed were comic strips firstly. But he did comic books, I argue, in the late 1870s.

    In the 1970s I collected comics but not stories, artists who made the stories believable. The only story based collecting I did was Kirby’s quartet of New Gods etc. The story was stronger than his drawing in which I did not have much interest. Perhaps rushing too much ?

    The only comic books bought in the last decade are a whack of early Magnus: The Robot Fighter 2000 for both the art and subject.

    All the Canadian B&W’s dried up which is where I was last seriously collecting.

  4. so many great comments about the current collecting environment! The influx of collectors has had a huge increase in the scarcity of high grade books no matter what we collect! I guess we just wait now a few years for them to sit there and start to be sold up as the economy bites?

  5. You know, strangely enough, for a guy who used to write comics, I basically collect the art above all else. A good story is a nice bonus and I generally look for a combination of both art and decent writing. For instance, my Fantastic Four collection includes work by Kirby, Wieringo, Hitch, Epting, and Kirk, and FF related series by Ribic (Secret Wars), Maleev (Infamous iron Man), Moebius (Silver Surfer), and Land (Ultimate FF). But, generally, I’m not much of a completist. I don’t care about having a “run” although I do have some nice ones. As well as a few series such as Lazarus, Promethea and Planetary, some of my other “stubbies” (thanks Walt) are just a mix of odds and sods, but the artwork is superb on all of them. So I get a real thrill when I come upon a genuine run of first rate Daredevil by Bendis and Maleev or Brubaker and Lark, which delivers on both the art and story. I also have to admit that Brubaker could write a grocery list and I would buy it! But,seriously, the art is, first and foremost, where my fascination with comics began.

    I love listening to you guys just wax poetic about our favourite medium. Thanks for another great podcast dudes!

    P.S. And I buy Canadian Whites because I’m from Canadia!

  6. Thanks for your comments Wayne, you are right, those Canadian black and whites are not traded enough for any kind of market to emerge, I think 90% of the known copied reside in less than a dozen collectors and University Archives. I’ve had a few early 20th century bound editions before, Bringing Up Father, Charlie Chaplan, Buster Brown etc but when it came time for me to sell them I couldn’t find a buyer anywhere! I never had anything from the late 19th Century though, paper condition must be a concern?

    We appreciate your support Mel !

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