Top 10 First Vehicle Appearances on Comic Covers!

This week, Chris and Walt have a look at the first appearance of super vehicles on comic covers! Whew! That’s a mouthful to say. Chris and Walt always seem to have a mouthful of thing to say. Check it out!

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1851


  1. Great job guys. I enjoyed it and learned some things too. That first Batmobile cover has also been a favorite of mine. Still the best Batmovile to my mind. And I’m with you guys on motorcycles in the 1940s comics—there are at least a couple superlative Captain America covers with motorcycles, I love ‘em. I know Schomberg did a couple himself. Also there’s a wonderful Miss Masque on a wild streamlined motorcyle while Black Terror looks on; I have a xerox copy of it on my office wall. America’s Best #26! I had an epiphani a while back and realized I loved airplane covers—which may help explain why I’ve always collected Blackhawk—those akward, lumbering, massive Grumman planes they flew with twin engines are just classics. Probably got 2 miles to a gallon of airplane fuel! And again Batman comes in with the Batplane; his designing a mineature prototype of it with Robin alongside is one of THE iconic Batman covers. I hope you guys tackle 1940s superhero vehicles, that will be fun and I bet you point out some I’ve missed….And then there are parachute covers….!!!

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