D Listers

This week Chris and Walt are joined by a long-time fan of the show John Bitterman. John was a good sport and endured a lot, sitting between the boys and chiming in it seemed always at the right time.

Please let us know what you thought of this week’s show by adding your comments to the comments field below, and please let’s all keep it civil.

Is Green Lantern an A-list character? Is Silver Surfer?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1846


  1. Ok… here’s the thing…~waits for the echo~… Marvel dies have more A listers. Also tge right creative team in the books can make a difference… think again Daredevil, X-Men,etc. DC does have that potential with the right media team. I also don’t think you can count out the DC tv series as not bringing in new readers! I know someone who absolutely loves Green Arrow and its the tv show that drove them to the books…although they buy the graphics rather then the floppies because they get more bang for their buck. On the other hand… do the Guardians of the Galaxy sell mire comics because of the movies. Well… I love them in the movies but doubt I am going out to buy any if their comics… why… because I doubt I will get the same entertainment that I get from the movies…probably I am one of those old duffs you mentioned.
    I guess the takeaway is given the right creative team no natter what the media is can make a lackluster character an A lister! Also glad you had Mr. Bitterman along… I had thought he was always simply a made up character by our entertaining hosts! Now I am going out to get another Super Bock beer… Portugals best selling brew!

  2. Mr. Bitterman , sipping rye with Chris and Walt? What a lucky guy
    Green Lantern and the Surfer are both A listers. No doubt. I think of how Stan Lee, purposely limited the Surfers appearances , making the FF appearances, Thor 193, Submariner 34 and 35 and others, instant classics.

  3. Gerald! It’s interesting that you would say that you wouldn’t buy a GotG comic but liked the movie. I feel I am in the same boat. I have no desire to read any of those comics, yet I will watch the movies multiple times. Maybe I’m just an old duff too? Have a nice port too while you are there!

    Dave, still not convinced that SS is an A lister. But I wouldn’t have said that Iron Man is an A lister either before the movie. Maybe you should ask Walt to be a guest soon! We can talk about old Harveys!

  4. Chris… don’t worry… I’ve not only drunk some Port here… we are returning with a couple if bottles! Again I checked out where the local comic book stores are but a bit far away to see in person. One establishment has a couple locations and boast having American comics as well as those from other countries. I do see both Marvel and DC action figures all over however… snd have spotted a number of people wearing clothing with Marvel emblems (such as Captain America) … and when walking today I saw a 70’s or so woman wearing Batman leggings… whoda guessed?

  5. Hey Walt, speaking of “D listers”… what are your thoughts on Marvel Super-Heroes #12, the original Captain Marvel (excluding Shazam)? While every other key issue has been jacked to the nines, this particular book appears to have been left for dead. True, movie prospects are slim to none… but are the books themselves not worth much without the Hollywood catalyst? Considering it’s still a vintage 1967 book, Mar-vell was prominent in the intergalactic universe of print… and considering that many new books are trading for more than a mid grade copy of Mar-vell’s intro… where is the love? Does this book have a future? Can the multi-verse pull him into film? Enquiring minds wanna know…

  6. Hey guys
    If you liked the Guardians of the Galaxy films, you would be doing yourselves a disservice if you didn’t pick up Skottie Young’s Rocket Raccoon. Marvel reprinted the comics in two lovely hardcovers (very well-bound I might add). Favourite .line? When Rocket thinks Groot is dying, “You got me crying up in here like when I thought Lorelai was gonna stay with Christopher instead of Luke.” Who can resist? And Andrade and Parker do a wonderful job of visually bringing my favourite GotG to life. it’s a great primer in cartooning. I’ve never been a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy comics, but this one just blew me away. So-o-o damned funny, with one-liners every bit as good as the film.

    And! Is Silver Surfer an A-list character? You betcha!!!

    cheers, mel

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