Comic Culture September 19th 2018

Every week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk the comic book talk.

So kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture.

Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is written by Walter Durajlija and engineered by Chris Owen.

Enjoy Comic Culture’s September 19th, 2018 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. I hear what you’re saying but I’m confident that the book can continue to swell up in value as long as there is enough attention given to it.

  2. Juveniles. The level of comments on this post needs to rise. I think that you should attempt to emulate my lengthy and firm commentary that I regularly display on this site.

  3. Sales of Batman Damned #1 has been trending upwards since it’s release. I woke up this morning to a dozen completed sales in the 70-75 range, or about 100 CAD. Current asking price is slightly higher, with some sellers offering pre-order 9.8 slabs for as high as 250. Tonight, the auctions are closing for slightly less at about 65 US but this is most likely due to it being a Monday. It’s only been a few days and I guess we’ll see what happens after this coming Wednesday as speculators become distracted by a new batch of books. If you need the money, I say sell but I suspect the book can and will inch a bit higher. However, the longer you wait, it may prove to be that much more difficult to sell as the hype and interest dies down.

    While these new books are fun and exciting to watch, I also find it disconcerting. I understand that not everyone can afford key SA books, nor can we assume that these people would be interested in older material but may still feel compelled to play the spec game. However, books like Venom #3, Moon Girl #28, 32 or Edge of Spider-Geddon #2, 3 has me wondering if this is an attempt to milk the 1st appearance market. But then books like Rags #1 from Antarctic Press, the Middleton Batgirl covers and the continued popularity of variants suggests that the modern spec boom is much deeper than 1st appearances. And if you consider that the current price of a single comic is 5 CAD + tax, flipping for 10 or 15 to people who missed it on Wednesday is actually not as impressive as it may seem, especially if you consider that a box dozen donuts from Tim’s is now 10 bucks.

  4. “Inch a bit higher” By Jove, well played! Finally some humor in this flaccid thread.

    As I think I mentioned in my comment on the Marvel Spotlight #5 thread, I had my chance at this “hot sold-out book” exercise with the glow-in-the-dark Ghost Rider #15 decades ago. The End. If you really love and have to have a book, fine, pay up, but treat it as consumption. Either there is no scarcity in these new issues, in which case your only hope for a return is a quick Ponzi-type flip, or there is manufactured scarcity, in which case you are playing the lottery as there are now thousands of recent issues with this type of manufactured scarcity. For every Supergirl #23 there are going to be hundreds of issues selling for less than their implied one-in-a-hundred values. Not interested. I will take the donuts and a double-double.

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