Comic Culture Radio Podcast – July 21st

Comic Culture's Walter Durajlija welcome's co-host Chris Owen back from vacation. This week Chris and Walt chime in on the San Diego Comic Con, Lady Deadpool, Scott Pilgrim Volume 6, the Mile High comic collection and a bunch of other comic book related boobery. So sit back, relax...

Comic Culture

Comic Culture’s Walter Durajlija welcome’s co-host Chris Owen back from vacation. This week Chris and Walt chime in on the San Diego Comic Con, Lady Deadpool, Scott Pilgrim Volume 6, the Mile High comic collection and a bunch of other comic book related boobery. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 7/21 podcast at the top. Enjoy.

comic culture july 21 2010-0

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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