Comic Culture May 11th

Great show this week! Hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija welcome Canadian comic book legend Richard Comely to talk about comic book original art, the Spider-Man musical, the Thor movie, graphic novels, Marvel’s MMO game, Free Comic Book Day and of course all things Captain Canuck! Now kick back, relax and enjoy  Comic Culture, the radio show full of possibilities.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by James McIntosh.

Enjoy Comic Culture May 11th 2011 Edition.

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Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1846


  1. Nice to hear from Richard Comely.  As a kid, I read the Captain Canuck Summer Special so many times it fell apart.
    I was hoping you would have brought up the Captain Canuck t-shirts they had in the 70’s/early 80’s (?) — the ones that had panels on the comics all over them.  “Can you still get them, and in adult sizes?”  🙂

  2. Just got an email from Richard Comely,

    I will bring in a signed copy of The Summer Special to give to that listener.
    I like the new look to the site.

  3. That’s wonderful and greatly appreciated!  I look forward to re-reading it (but I’ll be sure to keep it from falling apart this time!!)

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