Comic Culture March 30th

This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about Amy Adams getting the Lois Lane part, the plans for a big Justice League movie, Dick Tracy, Free Comic Book Day and the upcoming Fan Appreciation Comic Con. We’ve also got a great new show intro so kick back, relax and enjoy  Comic Culture, the radio show full of possibilities.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by James McIntosh.

Enjoy Comic Culture March 30th 2011 Edition:

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Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. Another great show guys! Chris, the show is called the Toronto ComiCON! but we do refer to this specific one as our annual springtime Fan Appreciation event as well to let people know there’s something special about it, so I can understand the confusion. It’s completely free this year AND we’ve added some celebrity guests like Richard Hatch, Alan Ruck and Dominic Keating! Really looking forward to seeing the CBD and Comic Culture crew out next week.

  2. The problem with calling the show Toronto Comicon is that the name was used for the show that Paradise Comics used to put on that was sold to Wizard.  In fact the URL points to Wizard World Toronto.

  3. Ah, but Scott as you may know I founded the Toronto Comicon with Pete Dixon back in 2003? When we did, we registered the site name and tried to register it as a business name but it turns out that Hobbystar had already had a couple of the one day Toronto ComiCON shows at the MTCC — the precedent was on their side in this case (they never bothered to register as they promoted their events through and their use of the name would screw with our ability to promote the new show, but Peter refused to change the name (having spent money on a website name and printing flyers), and I spoke to some lawyers about it and they indicated that the name itself was hard to protect (it was similar to Toronto Birthday Sale! or Toronto Poker Tournament, etc.) so from then on I used the preface of Paradise or Paradise Comics to tie it to an existing business entity. If Hobbystar had turned up promoting Toronto ComiCON – Collector’s Paradise! we would have some protection. I left the url to him as it was one of the many things I had no control over because we had no written contract to protect myself. Peter of course gave the url to Wizard when he handed the con over to them in 2009. However, Wizard did change the name of the show to Toronto Comic Con and the url redirects to

  4. The lesson learned from all of this is that ANYONE can start up an event in their town and call it Toronto Comicon/ComiCon/Comic Con/Comic Book Convention/Comic Convention/Comic-Con or some iteration as they are all slang terms for a trade show where comic books are sold. Hobbystar can call their one day shows Toronto ComiCONs and Wizard can call their event Toronto Comic Con and people will always be confused about it. The easiest way to differentiate the two is to preface them with the company name.

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