Comic Culture Podcast January 13th 2016

comicculture logoThis week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija go Shekky-less and still manage to talk comics.

So please kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture.

Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is written by Walter Durajlija and engineered by Chris Owen.

Enjoy Comic Culture’s January 13th 2016 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1834


  1. no…Shekky???? Gasp!
    As Shekky’s biggest fan I almost skipped the show, but you guys redeemed yourself by giving Valiant some love so good job.

  2. Chris! I totally agree with your gasping. It’s almost as if there were a tremor in the force without me… Not likely, as I’m sure Chris and Walt were better off. I will however promise to be there next week. Valiant comics or not I will do my best to regain your faith!

  3. I believe Walt felt the tremor as well. He did call out your name several times during the show.

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