Comic Culture October 8th 2014

comicculture logoThis week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija do lots of talking about comic book type stuff. Producer Shekky Feldstein joins in when he can.

The boys discuss some new comics, comic movie news, Halloween and Hamilton Comic Con.

So please just sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture.

Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is written by Walter Durajlija produced by Marty Birthelmer (Shekky) and engineered by Chris Owen.

Enjoy Comic Culture October 8th 24th 2014 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. As a Port Perrian who made his first visit to a Hamilton Comicon I found it small, yet snugly, and what I noticed was there was a lot of fathers with young sons at this show, unlike FanExpo where the fathers are more absent and the kids on their own. It was packed with attendees yet lacking on comic book vendors, which are my primary interest.
    I think Walt’s crystal ball has been well polished recently and I agree that all shows appear to be maxing out their venues which makes it apparent they are trying to stuff too many genres and entertainment formats into one event, both the big shows like Fan Expo, and the small ones like Hamilton Comicon with Cos-players and Leave it to Beaver bit actors.
    Major/Minor shows need to split and specialize so small markets try to not emulate the big shows and stick to their core audience and the big shows need to split their events between entertainment and comics/artists/craft vendors to separate events at different times like they do with Anime Expo events.
    I found the Hamilton show appealing but a little packed on the main floor.
    The third floor was less traveled and suffered from the same problem as the Wizard World Toronto shows had when they mixed genres in areas in that artists and other vendors on that level had to put up with microphone maniacs in the room disrupting people trying to sketch and communicate with their customers. Management fail.
    I see a better future for the comicon industry when they create the right mix of attendees, vendors and genres spread out over the year than just the latest model going on where they are all just chasing who has the bragging rights to the Greatest Show on Earth.

  2. Great points Jim.

    We are already seeing a bit of a push back as reported in Charlie’s ‘Return of the One Day Show” post.

    Vendors are clueless in this brave new world, I saw comic vendors watching thousands of people walk by their booth with zero interest in stopping by

    Its to the point that the grab bag of things to see entices the visitor but makes it real difficult for traditional vendors. Many vendors are changing to what product mix they think will work while many more see less and less return on their traditional set ups – how long can they go on?

    So are we heading back towards a renewed interest in ask specific cons? Anime, Fury, Comic, Star Wars, Horror, Gaming. Or will these shows too eventually call in Eddie Haskel and the Iron Sheik to prop up attendance?

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