Comic Culture July 30th 2014

comicculture logoThis week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about news coming out of San Diego Comic Con, they are joined by show producer Shekky Feldstein.

So just sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture.

Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is written by Walter Durajlija produced by Marty Birthelmer (Shekky) and engineered by Chris Owen.

Enjoy Comic Culture July 30th 2014 Edition:


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Hey Walt, I have to disagree about Gal Gadot. I totally understand what you mean about “star power”… and if it was a solo movie I may agree with you, at least from a marketing/financial point of view, but because there is so much hype around Sup vs Bat and with existing “start power” from other actors, I think a new face is a refreshing addition. As well, cheaper to cast with less maintenance. Bottom line for me, aside from looking hot, she looks intelligent and has the right look. I just hope she can act. Megan Fox? A resounding NO WAY!

    Female roles are tough because pretty girls tend to be objectified. As an amazon princess, how do you frame a character so that she’s attractive but respectable at the same time. It’s still a white man’s world out there and it’s difficult for women, especially pretty women to be taken seriously.

    Re Doc Strange… I’m not a huge fan of Joaquin Phoenix but the guy can act. I think he can pull it off…

  2. Comic Con was a bit of dud this year. I was hoping for some surprises from Marvel… but nothing! No wonder DC stole the show. Here’s a round up of the so called “leaked” footage for anyone who’s missed it. Don’t watch if you don’t like spoilers of course. Next Undervalue contender, Adventure into Fear #19. My VG copy sold as soon as I listed it… yikes! I should have asked for more… and yet, I couldn’t unload it at any of the shows at 1/3 the price… go figure.

    GOTG post credit scene:

    Test footage from Fox:

    Av 2 trailer:

    Sup vs Bat trailer:

    Considering the Sup vs Bat trailer, I also think that DKR#4 may have some potential… agree?

  3. Hey Charlie. I hope you are right and I hope this role makes her a household name. She’ll need to pull it off if they are to go ahead with a solo WW movie. I’m hoping for the best. And yes I read that JP really gets into his roles I think I’m more confident of the Doc Strange pick than I am of the Wonder Woman pick

  4. Thanks for these Charlie, I have a run of Howard the Ducks that are 10 deep, can’t give a NM #3 away! Now? Now I’m already planning my winter vacation!!

  5. Charlie, I’d have to agree that Megan Fox will only add a taint to this project. Her infamy behind Transformers will, and has in my opinion, started to slowly slant her career off. How she got another job in a Michael Bay project with the Ninja Turtles film is BEYOND ME but I’m sure she’ll be a dud. I am now veto-ing Megan Fox. That said, Gal Gadot looks great in the suit and agree that “star power” isn’t a necessity for her role.

    I just want to lay it out that yes, there is huge hype to the film, so having Affleck announced is the “hype” that came with star power (or failure to some). That said, we are in a day and age where the film projects are now bigger than the stars in them to some degree. Back when X-Men hit the scene, YES, they needed an all-star cast to help push people into believing it’s cool to see comic book movies. Now, we have relative B or C listers leading huge films such as Guardians, with the “star power” voicing over the animated characters, some of which only say their own names I am told. The balance has shifted, and people don’t want the Halle Berry’s butting heads and demanding millions for 2 minutes of screen time, but instead want to work with eager, moldable new faces. Just my two cents…

    As for Doc S., Jackie Phoenix is alright, but a best in show mustache is missing. Alex Trebek or Tom Selleck he ain’t!

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