Comic Culture December 9th 2015

comicculture logoHey, we’re back!

This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about comics and comic related stuff with producer Shekky Feldstein.

So why don’t you sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture.

Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is written by Walter Durajlija and engineered by Chris Owen.

Enjoy Comic Culture December 9th 2015 Edition:


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. We all aim to please, Chris. Walt put considerable thought into his bit, Chris delved into the new weekly books, and I unwittingly chimed in on all of their banter. It’s always a team effort on Comic Culture and I’m glad you’re still listening!

  2. Dudes… No talk about the new trailers? There 5 major movies just around the corner. No talk about DC down $1m, and looking to DKIII to make up the difference? No talk about Star Wars being 20% of all Marvel sales?

    Also, new music recommendation:

    In addition to being nostalgic, it’s haunting:

    It’s symphonic:

    It’s orchestral:

    And it’s great family fun:

    This music could also lead to world peace as it brings together the east and west… just saying.

  3. See this is time well spent! Thanks for the links Charlie.

    The Star Blazers overdub just might make our rotation, though it would have to push out songs like Justice League and Jimmy Olsen because ain’t nothing pushing aside my Krantz!

    I will make an exception if you were to come in and play the Yamato piece on our portable keyboard – live on air of course.

  4. I know right! Please tell me you have a Shekky Christmas special in the works. You’d really be giving the fans what they want. More Shekky!!

  5. Well to be more accurate it would be the Shekky Hanukkah special but Shekky is all about giving the people what they want. The Shekky Christmas special, with a half hour of nothing but Shekky’s bits and the other half nothing but Huey Lewis’ greatest hits. Walt and Chris should go for that, right?

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