Comic Culture April 4th

This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss Brian Michael Bendis’ new deal with Random House, Scott Pilgrim going to color, details of the AvX launch party, Free Comic Book Day tidbits, and Angry Birds. The guys also open up the Comic Culture Mailbag, check in on some Trailer Trash and highlight some new comic releases so please sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s installment of Comic Culture the radio program that dares to ask the hard questions.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by Andrew Roebuck.

Enjoy Comic Culture April 4th 2012 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1847


  1. Hello chaps,

    Comic Shops:-
    Looking at LONDON alone since 2005. We’ve seen an increase from 17 stores to 23.

    Obviously, both new and existing stores have (sadly) had to close in that time, but If the data I’m looking at is accurate, there are 23 stores in London now Vs 17 at the end of 2005.

    Broadly speaking, it’s definitely a growing market over here. The recent movies have helped bring the printed books out from behind a ‘wall of nerd’ to a more mainstream market I think, as did the new 52.

    I’d like to get an early application in for Store Manager at Big B-London, Walt 🙂 – dream job.

  2. Who else would we possibly consider Danny, alas by then your star will already have risen beyond the heavens. Perhaps you would consider to appear for a signing or two.

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