Chewing the Fat

This week Chris and Walt talk about the impact streaming services like Disney Plus are having on collectible comics, fair warning though, they do get sidetracked now and again.

Please let us know what you think of the show in the comments below.

Do you find yourself wanting the books everybody else wants at the same time?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1853


  1. I sure hope you guys put out a year end blooper show with humorous intros, off key singing, and of course Walt’s ~cough~ timeless jokes! I know I would enjoy it!

  2. Gerald, I don’t understand…isn’t that EVERY episode they do??? ‍♂️

    Also, if you guys are taking requests…something by Neil Diamond would be nice

  3. One of the many amazing aspects to the show is how layered it is:

    Upon initial contact you will envisage two intellectually retarded, semi-drunk males rambling and exposing thier listeners to repulsive singing off-key…however after further analysis I can deduce the brilliance…note that Walt talks about ‘3 days of the condor’ with a witty synopsis and character review and you THINK he’s going to actually start talking about comics (it’s been 20 minutes, surely soon)..but no! he whips you down the paid subscription monologue…then after further rambling he talks about pre-empting fads..reading the patterns…the exact description of the character Joe Turner in his 3 days of the condor review!!!

    It is at this point that you realize you are in the palm of a master story teller, a legendary raconteur, a possessor of a giant-sized man thing and welder of a razor sharp wit.

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