Week 8: Double the Fun

My pal Alan was in the shop yesterday and he gave me a suggestion for this week’s Making a Splash post: feature some great double-page splashes!

Nestor Redondo outdid himself with this beautiful double-page splash for Rima the Jungle Girl #1. So much to enjoy here.

Joe Kubert had such a storied career and he really put the Kubert stamp on his DC Tarzan run: this double-page spread from Tarzan #222 is amazing.

I did Russ Heath last week but this double-page spread thing allows me to sneak in his work two weeks in a row: this stunning image is from his work in Our Army At War #262.

This Jack Kirby double-page spread is off the chain. Apologies as I could not find a non-remastered image, but doesn’t this Kirby double-page spread from Devil Dinosaur #4 show Kirby loose and so full of that creative juice.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1848


  1. While at first disappointed in Bernie Wrightson being replaced by Nestor Redondo on Swamp Thing… I quickly came to realize how fantastic he was and remember thinking how great Rima was when it came out… and thats an example why!
    Yes… good Kubert channeling Hal Foster a bit there! Never apologize for presenting a Russ Heath… he was such a solid and easily recognized penciler! I am betting some may not like the Kirby but its wild and fantastic and shows how creative he could be even in his later career!

  2. I do have a question about some the golden age splashes. Was it common practice of some companies like DC to use the cover as the first page splashes in some books?

  3. Sooo good. While maybe not authentic, the remastered Kirby is simply out of this world, much like those sixties black light posters of his that now go for $$$. I want just a few drops of that juice. The Kubert is also amazing and very apropos, as on Bud Plant’s recommendation I bought the first volume of the Burne Hogarth Tarzan strips, which is “City of Gold”, so I’d love to follow up with Kubert’s take on the story. The Redondo doesn’t have me convinced but I’ll take Gerald’s word for it. And of course Heath is synonymous with WW II so say no more.

  4. Most of these books could be found in Walters “Drek” bins…I mean dollars bins. Thank God that some collectable comics remain very affordable…it makes collecting fascinating stuff available for all 🙂

  5. I remember a few Marvel Kirby double page spreads but didn’t know it was a thing then. Must have been a joy for the artists to create on a large format page. I envy Redondo’s drawing of Rima, wonder if he had a model.

  6. I came back to look at the Kirby again. Having tapped into his 2001 and Kamandi (but not read yet), I see I’m going to have to get into Devil Dinosaur and his other works too. Out of a comic book context I feel I could be looking at a massive 8’x12′ pop art canvas. Did Kirby have any leanings towards being a painter? I’d prefer him over Warhol and the like.

  7. Not that I’m aware of Tim. kirbymuseum.org and the Kirby family would have that answer though. I like following the Kirby Kin on twitter

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