Week 43: Drowning in Drool

Fall is full on in Southern Ontario, beautiful colors everywhere though it is starting to get a bit chilly.

Week 43 brings us some neat splash pages from a pile of comics that are on my desk and destined for our eBay auction. As I mentioned in an earlier post I like to put splash pages from books on my desk in the hopes of adding an image that has yet to grace the internet, give us something new to admire.

Exciting Comics #52 didn’t stop at Alex Schomburg’s cool cover, it also gave us this great splash page from Lin Streeter. From November 1946.

The winner of the week for me is this Manny Stallman splash page from Redskin Comics #10, Grey Wolf, from June 1952.

I thought this was Russ Heath at quick glance but then realized it was not, this is the Bill Ely splash page from House of Mystery #94 from January 1960.

Great subject matter but I can’t help thinking Irv Novick could have done a bit better in this splash page from Archie Comics #27, from August 1947.

From the Canadian reprint of Gunsmoke #2 we get this fine splash page from the great Graham Ingels. From 1949.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. I love all the splash pages here Walt. I didn’t know there was a grey Wolf…..Red Wolf was a favorite of mine. Marvel stole, reused so much of earlier Golden age material….ie Daredevil, Subby, Cap, Kazar the vision and so many more . Even the Black panther from Australia…

    a comic creation from the mid 1950’s The Panther and ran for a decade or more


    See how the Panther has a mask as The Kirby character had on the FF # 52 rejected cover that Jack drew

    Miss Masque is drop dead Exciting

  2. I might be a little late on this…but….
    A couple of weeks ago I put up my Halloween comic display. Now normally I would display this on my 22 comic display…but this year I decided to let it be to my ever expanding Archie collection and run it on my two 6 comnibnc ‘racks’. In the past I have had all EC horror displays…non EC horror displays….Pre hero Marvel monster groupings..and Runs of Tomb of Dracula. This year I differed.
    This year my comic book display runs my two 6 copy racks. I decided to mix titles not necessarily associated with horror with true horror comics for the grouping of twelve. I had a hard time choosing and the ones that didn’t make it were none the less worthy.
    From the left: This is not a horror title but worthy of its scaryrness. Its also one of the gems of my collection and one of the best covers in its titles run….More Fun #65…the Spectre Mirror cover…by Bernard Baily….so good. The second entry was more difficult….I wanted an Avon title and decided on one of their weirdest….Eerie # 10…what is going on there? The third entry is a pre horror horror title…Dynamic comics #11….the test tube people cover! The fourth entry HAD to be an EC…and with all I had I decided this year it was the censored Vault of Horror #32…scary without the axe…..! For a representation from Harvey I decided on a number #1 issue…Witches Tales…typical of Harveys early wacky horror covers! The 6th entry is not a typical horror series….but the did make it work…Bobby Benson and the B-R-B Riders #14…the severed head cover!
    On the other side of the window…I start with an
    one shot ACG title…The Clutching Hand…great cover! Next is another M.E. western…Ghost Rider # 12 the cycloptic demon cover. We have to include an L.B.Cole cover so I offer Blue Bolt Weird Tales #117…great cover …didn’t make it in the Cover 365 but should have! Next is a non horror cover but meets the criteria Doll Man #47….the eyes brother…the eyes……. Next I have more eyes on the cover of an Overstreet under rater Strange Mysteries #13…wouldn’t want to meet THAT guy in a dark alley! And…and….finally…of my Halloween 12 I ends with one of the most classic of horror issues……,Worlds of Fear # 10…the great Norm Saunders painted eye cover. Thats it until I have a short display in December….Happy Halloween!

  3. I am not sure how to post pictures Dave… but I am sure one of the websites may have images!

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