Week 42: Thanks Canada

In honour of our Thanksgiving that just past I’d like to dedicate the week to some great WECA (Canadian Whites) splashes. I want to thanks Ivan Kocmarek for his help with these splash pages this week.

A good place to start would be with the man himself, Canada Jack. Canada Jack does not like Black Marketeers hurting the war economy and he’s willing to do something about it. This splash from Canadian Heroes Vol. 2 #1 drawn by George Menendez Rae, thanks GMR.

This is later in the Freelance run when they switched over to colour. Freelance was the longest-running WECA hero and I do believe Chapterhouse is publishing new stories. Thanks to our artist Ed Furness.

My favourite WECA era publisher is Maple Leaf out of Vancouver. Rocket Comics was one of their titles and this Metal Monster splash comes from Rocket Comics Vol. 2 #7. Let’s thank Vernon Miller for the art.

One of the coolest heroes of the WECA era was Speed Savage, here’s a splash from Triumph Comics #29. Let’s all thank Tedd Steele for this fun splash page.

Today’s winner for me is this great RCMP splash from Canadian Heroes Vol. 5, #2. Once again we have to thank George Menendez Rae for a great splash page.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Agree

    Walter, I liked the last one as well. Who doesn’t like a good train robbery. It is what the west was made of.


  2. Great stuff! That Speed Savage is fantastic and love how they depicted the villain…The Mole!

  3. What I like is that these pages dispel the myth that the art in Canadian war-time comics was crap. Sure, they are not Lou Fine, Frazetta, Cole, or Eisner, but they are images of quality and show that those first Canadian comics were worthwhile.

  4. We had a train robbery in Airdrie about a similar time frame. Thanks for this Canada Bunch of splashes, Walt, terrific art, I like it all. Only Freelance would calmly canoe on a lake while the volcanic eruptions set the forest on fire. What a guy! Great metal monster.

    (Speaking of Freelance – my copy of issue #33 has just been posted up on the DCM site. I can confirm 52 pages and THREE FL stories, maybe a previously unknown one(?) not mentioned on the GCD. It was untitled (I called it “Hillbillies and the Mysterious Storm”) but does have credits for both writer Ted McCall and artist Ed Furness. The other two stories have only a writing credit for McCall.)

  5. Quote from Walt the Comic Magician
    “I’m glad you all enjoyed those and thanks again Ivan for pointing them out to me. Activejim, what book?
    end quote from Walt The Comic Magician

    I got a Leaf and a Bell and I’ll show at the next show. When is that?

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