Week 39: Welcome

This week I couldn’t get to any eBay listings so unfortunately, I can’t bring you any fresh splash pages from the Walt pile. I was a bit ambitious this week and tried to find artists that I have not featured yet in Making a Splash, so welcome to all the newbies.

Doug Wildey was already a veteran artist back in 1983 when he started to write and draw Rio for Eclipse Comics. This is really good stuff and sorry, I could not find the issue # this splash page was from.

Move over Wonder Woman because Irwin Hasen introduces Wildcat in Sensation Comics #1, from January 1942.

See this here is right up my alley, some real funkadelic stuff from Liz Berube. From Girl’s Love Stories #149, February 1970. I know a guy named Vic but he ain’t no rock star.

This is a Dan Barry splash from 1949’s anti-communist comic Fight For Freedom.

I had no luck finding a nice Lady Luck splash page and to tell you the truth it turns out I had no luck finding a Klaus Nordling Lady Luck splash page which was my original intent. Turns out this nice piece was drawn by Fred Schwarb who was ghosting for Nordling. From Lady Luck #87, February 1950.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Walter

    Thanks for showing the splash from Rio showcasing some great art by Doug Wildey. Of course the story is great as well. And of course having a great story and character to get involved with compliments the great art. I went and grabbed my collected editions of Rio to find the page you displayed. I found it in Rio Rides Again, a marvel graphic novel from 1990. In was in part one of the graphic novel. What you need to show is the 2-page spread that started part one. WOWOWOW

    Speaking of two page spreads, you need to show some of the ones from Western Pictures Stories by William Allison and Rodney Thompson. Some truly GREAT art!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, Jeff

  2. The Wildey is really beautiful! His mastery over light and shadow is stellar! I was also impressed by the dynamism of the Hasen Wildcat splash!

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