Week 29: Never Forget the Beer

Couldn’t pick a theme this week but I knew I had to show you this nasty Bob Fujitani splash from Pep Comics. I had Bob featured in Week 1 and I’m not sure why I’ve waited this long for his second splash, a stunning and impactful work.

Here is Frank Springer channeling Steve Ditko and Jim Steranko in a splash page from Nick Fury #7, from December 1968.

I was never a big David Mack fan but I thought I’d post this page from Daredevil #55 (1998) to see your thoughts on him.

This week my “count the pages eBay pile” was all Marvels so I went with two all time favorites, I could have easily opened Silver Surfer #3 to any page and got post worthy art, Mr. John Buscema never ceases to amaze.

There was a Thor pile to go through and when I was counting the pages to #138 I ran across this great splash from Jack Kirby, immediately I remembered the time I forgot to bring the beer to a Super Bowl party I went to.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. That Fujitani is something else! While I have liked Springers work, and that is an exceptional image… I always thought he was not the person to follow up Steranko’s run. I think Mack’s work is lovely… however… its a bit to romantic for a superhero comic… its ethereal without any dynamism. You again can’t go wrong with Surfer Buscema! I especially like the panel with our hero holding up his hand! That Kirby echoes the same crowd you would see at a Trump rally…are you sure thats not a still from CNN?

  2. Hey Walt
    I’m a huge fan of David Mack’s Daredevil work, though I found most of Kabuki nice to look at but incomprehensible. There is a lot of good stuff in that Daredevil run that Kevin Smith kicked off with Joe Quesada, including work from Brian Michael Bendis, Micheal Lark and Ed Brubaker, all fellow Caliber Comics alumni like Mack. Throw in the stunning art of Alex Maleev and I think you have one of the best runs of any Marvel book, blowing Frank Miller’s run right out of the water. Caliber also showcased the work of such greats as Guy Davis, James O’Barr, Vince Locke and Tim Vigil!

    cheers, mel

  3. I really liked the Brubaker run Mel, the Bendis run was good too and I thought Maleev was great for the title, I still like the Miler storytelling a bit more though.

    Hey Gerald, nothing wrong with seeing humor in things – it was an MSNBC screenshot I think.

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