Week 24 already, it’s nice and warm up where I am and I’m really enjoying the weather. Also enjoying a sip of Bushmills as I post these nice splash pages.
Sal Buscema gives us something interesting in this splash page from Rom #43, I glanced passed it at first but then my eye kept going back to it. A lot of work went into this page, good work.

This Gray Morrow splash is amazing, so much motion, great anatomy. From All Star Western #11, page 21.

I actually got this from an old Comic Book Daily post by Pete DeCourcy, Alex Toth gives us a winner with his splash for Adventure Comics #491’s Black Canary story.

I take a look at this splash by Bernie Wrightson and I want another sip of Bushmills! Freaky, funky fun from Swamp Thing #2.

My favorite piece this week is the moody and atmospheric Wally Wood splash to Dynamo #3.

Wally Wood was a master of atmosphere in comics. His ability to draw outer space was unmatched. I treasure the few Wood comics I have.
I have to say that Sal Buscema is damned good… he was rarely up to par with John… but this is one time he was! Gray Marrow is another of those legends that often gets over looked, but he did amazing work! Wrightson and Toth…did they ever do bad splashes?
Wood was such a master of detail! Like Kirby when he was at his height on FF… you could gain enjoyment just looking at background details! The only criticism I could ever have about Wood was his characters always were a bit stiff… but then who cared when he filled the page with incredible detail down to the stitching on clothing! Yep… some nice splashes here Walt!
I liked Gray Morrow from his Archie Red Circle days. The illustration above is s nice example of his talent.