Covers 365: Day 210

Famous Funnies #210, Four Color, February 1954. Artist: Frank Frazetta.

I’m on a 1-week vacation up in beautiful northern Ontario but will continue delivering our daily dose of covers! Thank god for Wi-Fi. Just bear with my sporadic responses this week.

Interesting and informative comments on yesterday’s post.

Frank Frazetta keeps blowing us away with his cover work on Famous Funnies #210. The only question is whether Frank will run the 8-day table?

Neal Adams dives deep into social issues of the day with his fun Battle of the Sexes cover for Batman #210.

I’m now huge Michael Turner fan, his covers on this Flash run including Flash #210 are amazing.

Now I know where the rap guys of the ’80s got their B-Boy stance! From Keith Pollard’s cover to Fantastic Four #210.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1847


  1. I am also on vacation but I will continue delivering my daily dose of contrariness.

    The lack of objectivity it would require to allow Mr. Frazetta to run the table would possibly destroy the relevance of this exercise. I haven’t agreed with the past two days’ choices and I won’t pick Famous Funnies for tomorrow either. Yes these are good covers and understandable collectors’ items, but let’s not get stars in our eyes.

    No way on the bad posture standing around Turner cover. This is the typical modern “cool art” cover type that I won’t pick as “great _comic book_ cover”.

    #211 much thinner on choices but that makes it easier to pick a winner, which is Superman (1987). You want me to pick that standing around, jodhpurs-wearing Buck Rogers over this? Conan is the runner up.

    #211 is roller skate day with Betty and Veronica and Flash. Detective gives us a PG-rated version of Fight #30.

  2. Walter just alluded to yesterday’s comments. My pal Larry Bigman was duly prompted to tell his story of the 1971 Eastern Color file copy find…complete with immaculate copies of the Frazetta Famous Funnies covers. Because he was a new commenter, this was delayed and didn’t post until this morning. I recommend everyone hit the “previous” button and check it out.

    I wonder a find like this would qualify as a pedigree collection? Or is that just a collector’s own comics?

    With no identifying marks on the books, these Eastern Color comics have been distributed to the four winds now, just like Gary Arlington’s cache of mint condition EC comics. Gary bought multiple copies off the newstands, then kept them in a trunk until the late 1960s until he began trading them for the few issues he’d missed buying. I ended up with several minty-mint Weird Science and Weird Fantasy issues, but I think they are mostly gone, sold at early shows as dupes, and then my own keepers went when I sold my first EC set (all 302 New Trends, except for the Shock Picto Fiction #3, the uncirculated issue), in 1974 or 1975. That helped on my college costs, and growing my in-its-infancy business. **sigh**

  3. You’re a trooper Chris, thanks.

    Bud, collector’s get pedigree collections these days if the collection is substantial enough. S what happens when a collector gets a pedigree designation when grading the books but in his collection there are Mile High or Allentown books? Double Pedigree? I think the closest collection to this would be the Gaines File copies, but can the Gaines book be authenticated?

  4. Think of poor Chuck Rozakis having to sell all those Mile High comics to help pay for rest of the collection.

  5. Love all the history of our hobby last couple days. Never met Chuck but did grow up in Colorado Springs and knew of him and the comics club but will reserve comment for some other time. Today I thought there might have been some other contenders to go against Frazetta. As for tomorrow I think the Famous Funnies is neck and neck with the Superman although I really like the Conan Chris… thanks for pointing that one out!

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