Covered 365: Day 80

Tales of Suspense #80 – Marvel Comics, August 1966 – Artist: Jack Kirby.

I’ve always loved this cover, great stuff from King Kirby.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1853


  1. Walter !

    do you remember the 70’s when these books were cheap because nobody wanted them . I could find them in tip top shape for $2 , a bit more for the earlier issues , though . I mean , TTA and TOS !

  2. Chris! I do remember, the TOS and TTA bins were always full and just got fuller over the years because more went in than came out (FILO I think). They aren’t easy sells even today, you get a common Subby cover in VG + you might have to let it go for $5.

  3. After a hiatus I am going to try to keep up (at least somewhat) with this excellent endeavor. As I expected it has become less time-consuming to review covers now that we are approaching #100 – about half as many covers to review as in the thirties.

    However I’m not going to agree on this pick. I see lots wrong: yellow background (always a bad start e.g. GA Superman issues), murky rocks/vegetation (you can’t tell what it is from any distance), cowering Captain America etc. Clearly a key cover in the current movie context, but not great stand alone.

    If you want a great #80 Kirby cover, it’s Strange Tales. It’s got amazing 3D perspective, with the surface of the water serving as the cover plane, lack of the usual Kirby busyness, lots of action with guys flying out of the crushed boat, etc.

    That book might be my second choice, but my first choice has to be G.I. Combat. A super classic that is super hard because of the age, it being a war book, and above all its black background. The grey tone combined with the background is extraordinary.

    My three other picks: Showcase, Superman’s (Ex) Girlfriend Lois Lane, Strange Adventures (more grey tone)

    Very little luck moving on to #81. My clear favorite is Batman. Next in line is Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane, although it is pretty disturbing. The only other cover that struck me is Wolverine. While it is a dynamite cover I have to take off points because you have to examine it a bit to disentangle the three characters.

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