A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.
G.I. Comibat #69 – DC Comics, February 1959 – Artist: Jerry Grandenetti.
The DC War books produced some great covers in the 1950s especially some of the grey tone covers. I’ve always respected this cover as it does not glorify or romanticize.

War comics are a genre that I have never really appreciated. I think there are a lot of people out there that can’t connect to war comics. Garth Ennis is one of the few modern day writers that can produce a solid war comic. That being said, there were lots of great war covers produced over the years. This is definitely a highlight.
Generally the DC Big five war books did not glorify or romanticize war. Perhaps the exception being the period of The GI’s vs the Dinasaurs from Star Spangled War stories # 90 to 135 or so .
Last time I saw a soldier sweat like that, was when I asked WALT 10 cents on a dollar for my Sgt Fury collection….just saying 😀
One thing I find interesting about the late 40’s and the 50’s war comics is the distinct change from the romp of the WW2 comics. They definitely represent the war is hell point of view. I wonder if this represents the fact that many if the creators had just experienced combat for themselves and knew its horrors or that the comics genre was simply growing up.
A thoughtful insight Gerald, thanks.