Covered 365: Day 59

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 59 – X-Men #59, August 1969, Artist – Neal Adams.

Neal Adams is in the house! Hope you put some money down Gerald, I know Vegas had X-Men as the favorite but still a tidy little payout.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1853


  1. So many great X-Men covers from 49-59. Glad you got the last one in, Walt!

    I wonder how many Adams covers there will be for the remainder of 2019? Hopefully several. A few Batman issues in the 200’s will be hard to deny.

  2. While I was a Fantastic Four fanatic as a kid…I remember seeing this at my local grocery store and HAD to have it! Somehow I knew you would pick this X-men cover! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing Gerald, I used to go to a local variety store as a kid, Stadium Variety right near old Ivor Wynne Stadium in East Hamilton, they kept their comics out the longest and they didn’t put them on spinners!

    Yeah there’s no denying Adams, hey Eric I wonder who the most picked artist will be after the full year? Schomburg has to be in the lead right now…

  4. I think Vegas has Adams as the favorite with Schomburg a close second, now that the early Golden Age dominance has waned a bit…

    As a random side note, Byrne and McFarlane are currently tied at zero! Where’s the Canadian love??

  5. I agree that Schomberg is right up there with some fantastic covers! The sad fact is toward the end of this year of great covers will not be seeing any Golden Age covers at all as the runs never got that high…Famous Funnies made it as far as 200 something…Four Color made it to what?…the number will be limited!

  6. Good point on the McFarlane and Byrne and what about Darwyn Cooke!

    Less and less GA for sure Gerald but I think there are tons of brilliant covers to choose from. I’m optimistic we’ll have a strong coffee table book when all is said and done!

  7. Who Knew?! The Sentinels were the pioneers of the ‘Dad-bod’ so many years ago! Not sure of the exact dayt, but the ‘2006’ in the title intro is clearly not quite right ;P

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