Covered 365: Day 41

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 41 – Action Comics #41, October 1941, Artist – Fred Ray.

I’m enjoying the feedback and suggestions I’m seeing in the comments field, through emails and in the shop. I always look to see if there are issues I did not consider and a Day 41 suggestion from Chris has won me over. I don’t even remember this comic book cover ever registering with me after all these years in the biz. Once I had a real good look though I couldn’t stop looking. Would love one of these in high grade with the colors popping all over the place.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. I’m not into JLA in a big way but they do have some cool covers. No 41 has the Key master with Sekowsky art.

  2. Walt, thanks for the shout out. I’m really enjoying this and I’m glad that I was able to add something. This cover really says “Superman” to me, and it’s why I am all about Superman even if the market isn’t so much. Batman’s deal is fighting evil – Superman’s is helping people, which often involves fighting baddies, but that’s not the goal. There is so much good about this cover – the composition, the good deed, the look of resolve on Superman’s face, the locomotive harkening to “more powerful than a”, etc.

    The real world called during the past few days so I am going to try to do a few days of catch-up this evening. I am at #43 and I found it pretty underwhelming. There are many modern covers with great art, but so many of these are more or less still lifes. To get to “great” I need the cover to tell a story. Anyway:

    All Star
    Flash (2016) Finch variant
    Mystery Tales

    Also I noted that Prize #43 does not come up in my GCD search, so if I can I am going to do a hybrid GCD/Heritage search to really cover the waterfront.

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