Covered 365: Day 348

Captain America #347, Marvel Comics, November 1988. Artist: Ron Frenz.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Steve Epting gives me an early Christmas present with his homage to the great romance covers of the past.

I liked Carey Nord’s run on Conan when it went over to Dark Horse, I also like this stand out cover highlighting Daredevil amongst a funky color scheme.

Joe Kubert spares us the lame on his cover to Detective Comics #348, he gives us a nice battle scene.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1832


  1. FF #348 was my choice for today, maybe based on nostalgia as I remember being at my comic shop and buying my first FF comic in years based solely on that cover and my intrigue at Spidey, Hulk and Wolverine bringing much needed life to the FF.

    I also surprised myself by liking Larsen’s treatment of a multiple Superhero cover on ASM #348.

  2. While the Avenger is a nice romance homage… I am embarrassed to say I have no clue who the characters are! Must have come out during my college years when I was all wine women and errr ummm oh yes studies!

  3. Ah, comicland has such great dentists. DD is sporting a new set of chompers after having his old ones decimated by ‘bloody glove dude’.

    Also, tell the truth, Walt, today’s pick was mostly due to the great legs on the gal in the forefront.

  4. I’m shocked at the comment from Gerald a little. It’s Vision and Scarlet Witch (Wanda) on the cover. Vision went through a couple color variations, but he’s still easily recognizable by the figure lines. Personally, not my favorite. DD is okay, but only special for the neat effects on the border design.
    Detective is….well….silly. I would have preferred to see Thor and Fantastic Four on this list instead.
    My picks for 349 in no particular order are Thor with it’s interesting cover split, FF for it’s ‘coming at ya!’ cover, Legion of Superheroes with Sensor Girl coming under suspicion with all the eyes on her, DD is another Nord cover, but more appealing to me, and we get a Kirby homage on Captain America for Jack’s passing I’m assuming.
    JOWA goes to Sgt.Rock for it’s dummy.

  5. I am on board with this pick – great art and the nice romance homage as Walt points out. However I will echo Derrick, and if I hadn’t been preoccupied watching the market implode, I would have commented yesterday that my pick for today would have been FF, which I also remember being excited about when it first appeared. Those were the “Art Adams is crazy cutting edge” days. As usual the pattern grabs you on the DD, but his face makes that one a non-starter for me. The Detective again demonstrates the greatness and flexibility of Kubert, before he had to draw Sgt. Rock about to lose the war over and over, wearing down his creativity.

    Flash unfortunately shows that Infantino wore out even more, with a truly grotesque Barry Allen closeup.

    Not much going on for #349. I have to go with DD even though I still don’t like the face – it is a great composition, including the twin towers reminding us of a lost world. Avengers as runner-up, although it just reminds us that John Buscema would have done this better. To say something nice about
    Infantino, Flash is striking – but not what I want out of a superhero cover. I can’t agree with C.K.’s other picks: Thor is interesting but very static, FF is just a fairly poorly executed semi-standing around poster, and the Captain America and Legion cover art is just not good.

    On the other hand 100% agreement that Sgt Rock is the unquestionable JOWA. Poor Joe.

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