Covered 365: Day 343

Daredevil #343, Marvel Comics, August 1995, Artist: August 1995.

A show of hands please, who’s still in this trek to 365?

Day 343 is the day of the hand, we’ve had fun with hands all year long and today I thought I’d do a little hand homage.

The day belongs to Mike Dringenberg on his Daredevil #343 cover, love the noir feel, love the job on the hand.

Bad luck brought about by an evil hand, lucky for me I carry a rabbit’s foot in my pocket. Curt Swan doesn’t do too bad a job on the cover of Adventure Comics #343, remove all that text and you have a winning hand.

Walt Simonson puts the death grip on the cover of Thor #343, not a great cover but today the glove fits so we have to wear it.

What happens if the glove fits? Just ask Superman. Curt Swan again, this time he gives us a lame cover with Superman drawn all wrong.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1834


  1. Count my hand in! Your posts are the high point of my morning, hands down! What am I gonna do once Jan 1st hits – go over old posts?

  2. A big cover full of Batman by Giordano and Colan was enough to make me cast my vote for Batman #343.

    And I agree with John, on January 1st this column will be missed!

  3. I’ve been reading and enjoying this covers blog since January 1. I’ll miss it. Do you have anything planned for next year?

  4. I look forward to your covers every morning. When Daredevil turns up, my day is made! I live in Australia but my cousin owns a bookstore in Hamilton where I believe you reside. Small world.

  5. While the hands have it, the heads don’t, which is why I didn’t pick some of these. The DD is cool, but look at Murdoch’s eyes (or what’s left of them), and how he appears to have a bar sticking out of the top of his head. That Batman mentioned loses because of the teeth. And of course Superman on Action…

    #344 is an object lesson in how this exercise has changed me. A year ago my pick would have been Avengers by a landslide – big heroes fighting it out, with swords no less.

    However. Our time grows short, and our lauded friend Morris Gollub returns with a dynamite Four Color cover that could not be more apropos. We can banish that Four Color from a few days ago from our minds and embrace this one. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, both northerners and southerners, took on the Challenge of the Yukon, and returned with the best covers in comic history. Sergeant Preston would be proud (although he might have confiscated our crime-depicting comics).

    JOWA and visionary award to Captain America. Cap should know better than to mention quid pro quo.

  6. That may be the best Mountie cover yet at that Chris! The startled look on Caps face is do to the fact he just swallowed his whistle!

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