Covered 365: Day 342

Legion of Super-Heroes #342, DC Comics, December 1986, Artist: Steve Lightle.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Steve Lightle put in a ton of good work into his cover for Legion of Super-Heroes #342, he should be happy to know that this work did not go unnoticed as his cover has won the day.

Ron Frenz’s stunning depiction of Madame Hydra makes the cover to Captain America #342, the background figures are a bit disjointed but the Viper makes them a blurry afterthought.

I’m been to a few Peppermint Lounges in the day but never a Peppermint mine, looks like the fellas had a good time down there. Ralph Heimdahl art.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1844


  1. The art for Legion and Captain America is either a) too crude, b) not to my tastes – depending upon how you want to put it. Also standing around covers.

    Very little time to look at #343 but luckily (sort of) few covers to review. Interestingly 3+4+3 = 10 is the number of fingers humans have on their hands, and #343 is clearly Giant Hand Day, so Illuminati Confirmed. I’m going with the giantest of the hands, which is Thor. A pretty cool cover although “great” is pushing it.

    Action – giant fist. Adventure – a giant hand on top of a mountain (hill?). DD – giant hand holding a gun. Flash – giant lawyer’s hand from the grave (and so JOWA winner as well).

    Avengers has no giant hand and gets the Hackneyed Standing Around Award (“It can’t be!” – “You’re dead!” – wow that’s never been done before).

    FF – “No guns!” (I guess giant guns for giant hands.)

  2. Don’t tell me Frenz didn’t look to Steranko when he did Madam Hydra… but I still like it!

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