Covered 365: Day 331

Archie #331, Archie Comics Comics, September 1984. Artist: Dan DeCarlo.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

I just have one question, how do I not own a copy of Archie #331 with Dan Decarlo’s sweet sweet cover? And I call myself a comic collector…

After the Archie cover it was slim pickings but as I’ve said in the past Jim Aparo draws a great looking Batman and it shows on his cover to Batman #331.

I like the unique art style Bob Grant uses on his cover to Four Color #331, I love that background color too.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1834


  1. Really nice cover on Batman #331, and Walt is right – Aparo does create a great image of the Batman.

    I also liked HULK #331.

    As for the Archie I think I am leaning more toward Chris Meli’s “creepy” JOWA nomination rather than Walt’s selection as cover of the day.

  2. That’s a nice Batman if he was standing, but for the image he’s supposed to be swinging. This doesn’t convey any action to that ‘swing’. Archie is nothing to look at, I’d pass this a thousand times and not think twice. Of the 3, only Four Color has any merit.
    For 331 Zeck is back in business on Captain America, Bill Sienkiewicz graces Thor, and McDaniel sticks a fork in it with Daredevil.
    JOWA to Superman for his vanity issues.

  3. The commas on the Archie call the female cones cool, sweet and things. The second comma should not be there as it changes the meaning of the sentence.

  4. Good thing that we have a pretty clear picture of Walt going in, otherwise this pick would have been quite disturbing. Klaus, good catch on the “cool, sweet, things”. Even creepier.

    The Batman was solid but not strong enough for a mention. I think the Four Color is pedestrian.

    My #332 pick from the slim pickings is Captain America, with bonus points for the weeping Lincoln. Detective is frightening but the dopey Batman on the right ruins it for me. DD is kind of cool but another conceptual cover with no clear story and no serious action.

    JOWA to Adventure for the Moldoff-esque Super-Moby Dick of Space.

  5. I actually like them all. The Alice is very good taken in perspective of then it was done, and who the audience was. Itks sweet.

    I have never before seen that Archie cover. While the idea is fun and weird, I would have your other choices as the top picks, and this as just a curiosity. But its sure a conversation starter.

  6. Was Archie the Riverdale ladies good time male? Six women on this cover alone. There’s an article – how many pretty things did he have on the line in the whole series run. Or maybe a book study on the sexual mores, inappropriateness or not and gender politics in Archie comics. Might even be government grant worthy.

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