Covered 365: Day 322

Daredevil #322, Marvel Comics, November 1993. Artist: Scott McDaniel.

Scoot McDaniel tried to convey to us an aspect of Daredevil’s unique perspective on the cover of Daredevil #322, I think. I like what he went for on this cover, innovative and eye-catching.

When Ralph Heimdahl wasn’t busy watching the gates of Asgard he was drawing some fine covers for Four Color, check out his forward motion on the cover to #322.

The cover to Donald Duck #322 struck a chord with me, this is the way I’ve been feeling as of late as I try to get you some great covers to enjoy. I want to give you some goodies but the obstacle for me is the lack of covers to choose from.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. Betty & Veronica #322.

    After that there were a lot of good/interesting covers.

    •Superman #322: An outstanding battle cover with a great viewpoint, and gets my nod for best of the rest;

    •Thor #322: Provided a nice battle cover among friends;

    •Detective Comics #322: I was struggling to decide if Detective #322 was good, or a JOWA candidate – but I am going with Chris Meli’s recommendation and liking it!

    •X-Men #322: Also liked the fallen Juggernaut cover of X-Men #322;

    •Legion of Super Heroes #322: Not sure who the characters are on the Legions of Super Heroes #322 cover, but I liked the scene;

    •Captain America #322: Not a contender, but I am wondering why Captain America is fighting the Space Ghost cartoon character (or is it Racer X?);

    And I join Chris Meli’s nomination of Adventure #322 for a well-deserved JOWA.

  2. I am not arguing your pick today but my favorite has got to be the Bugs and Porky Four Color…character representation, dynamic movement, and color make it a top notch choice!

  3. I am trying to see something in the Daredevil, but sorry, it’s a loser to me. The DD figure even looks photo-shopped.
    I’m with Gerald, the Porky Four Color is a wonderful cover. Even the Donald works okay, it looks very Barks-like, wherever the art came from.

    I imagine the field for choices is getting much smaller these days, so I want to allow for you doing your best NOT to go for a Four Color too often.

  4. Four color Bugs and Porky for sure Walt…just another day in the life of terrific covers from the 1950s

  5. I can accept the Four Color as well but I still like Detective more.

    You will probably pick DD #323 because you like novelty, but it’s not for me, too much of a mess. For me DC rules the day with three solid meat-and-potatoes choices. I’ll go with Batman because of the cat shadow. Flash and Superman are close behind.

    Hulk qualifies for a JOWA but instead I have to give it to the very disturbing Four Color.

  6. I know Bud, but it’s hard to deny some of those Four Color covers.

    I looked at the Tec Chris but wasn’t feeling it and Derrick, I did like the Betty and Veronica – should have added it.

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