Covered 365: Day 315

World’s Finest #315, DC Comics, May 1985. Artist: Ed Hannigan.

Ed Hannigan’s eye-catching cover to World’s Finest #315 brings me back to some of the great pre-code horror eyeball covers, he goes a great job with this cover.

It’s hard not to like Daniel Branca’s cover to Donald Duck #315!

It’s hard not to include Todd McFarlane Amazing Spider-Man covers, he really did some nice work at this time, ASM #315 is no exception.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. I didn’t pick this cover for very reason that you picked it. It seems more like a steal than a homage – I doubt many people who were buying this book were hearkening back to those Golden Age covers. Also I expect a homage to either improve the art or add something original – I don’t see either here.

    For #316 it has to be ASM. Batman and Incredible Hulk are also strong.

    It’s a shame that OAAW/Sgt. Rock #316 wasn’t #315, it would have been the perfect pick.

  2. Yes this does give a homage of sorts to Worlds of Fear… but only us geeks would know it so I think this WF works! Whats not to love about ducks and kittens?? I had to go to eBay to see the ASM as its a blank but when I saw it was a character called Hydroman I knew it wasn’t a good day for the House of Marvel.

  3. If only they had been green…. the Jimmy Dorsey tune would have been so much more appropriate!

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