Covered 365: Day 309

Incredible Hulk #309, Marvel Comics, July 1985. Artist: Mike Mignola.

Day 309 was a tough day, the four I picked I liked but there was no clear winner for me. Mike Mignola’s cover to Hulk #309 gave me a Frazetta feel and I liked the composition.

There is something about the sparse simplicity of Rick Leonardi’s cover to Thor #309 that I really like.

Esad Ribic is one of my favourites and while his cover to Wolverine #309 is far from his best work it’s more than good enough to make the grade for Day 309.

Tom Morgan’s catchy cover to Iron Man #309 rounds out our day.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. You did the best you could with today’s limited selections. And I agree with your choice and comments on the HULK cover, and think the recent run of HULK covers you have highlighted in the column have been really good.

  2. Without the signature you wouldn’t know its Mignola especially. I have some of his from this era and it’s interesting to see how his style evolved from this into what I generally think of as “Mignola art”, stronger on some comics than others, up to his Hellboy stage. One favourite is his Bram Stoker’s Dracula adaptation.

    Painted covers can be hot or cold with me but I do like this Wolverine as a painting, don’t know if it’s a good comic cover. Seems to be a traditional oil technique with underpainting and colour glazes but it may be a digital mimic of that technique. Would look nice as a framed wall print.

    Thor’s face is way too obscured for a cover

  3. This grouping of comics is not only good but they look good together. That Wolverine is interesting enough that I would have bought it even if I hadn’t been following the series.

  4. I have been out of it for a few days because of travel and some technological hindrances. Looking back on the days I missed I like most of the choices, particularly today’s, although I might have gone with Iron Man.

    For tomorrow it is close but I’ll go with ASM – it just comes together best. Neck and neck with this are Hulk and Thor. I really really like the Bianchi Wolverine variant, but it is more of a poster.

    House of Mystery: Keep Transylvania Gothic.

    A very weak JOWA to Adventure.

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