Covered 365: Day 299

World’s Finest #299, DC Comics, January 1984. Artist: Ed Hannigan.

I know its a silly cover but I like looking at Ed Hannigan’s cover to World’s Finest #299.

What could be better than a cover that allows me to type out Dick Dillin? If that same cover had rainbow bubbles on it, Dick delivers bubbles on the cover of Detective Comics #299.

Todd McFarlane inspires Quintin Tarantino and draws the same cover as Amazing Spider-Man #298 on Amazing Spider-Man #299 but from a different angle.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. The WF seems inspired by the Jeff Jones Wonder Woman cover we had many weeks ago. Oh, those wacky sci-fi Batman covers of yore… what would we have done without them? Todd McFarlane doing the SAME picture again… gee if ONLY I had HIS immeasurable imagination……………

  2. I agree with your assessment of WF – but that’s not sufficient to make it the pick. Those Dillin Detectives are good – they have the crazy late fifties/early sixties panache without having to put up with the crude Moldoff art. The ASM would not make my list, #298 was much superior to this one.

    I think #300 is the last hurrah. Because it’s an anniversary, and one that few titles achieved, we get a good selection to choose from. I think it is going to be some tough sledding from here so we should savor tomorrow.

    The marketplace dictates the obvious pick, but I’m only giving it a mention. I love busy covers (nothing can beat Schomburg’s Marvel Mysterys or Captain America Comics) so my pick is the Koblish wraparound for Despicable Deadpool. I have no idea where this numbering came from but if it counts as a #300, it’s the pick.

    Picking the runner-up is hard, but because it’s Infantino, I’m picking Flash – another wraparound. I’ve never seen this cover before this exercise, but I love it. A great latter-day companion to Flash #155.

    The honorable mentions: ASM as expected; Detective – after bad-mouthing Moldoff, this issue makes it as both JOWA and great cover; Micky Mouse (NYCC variant); Our Army at War (better version of that Legion recently mentioned); Spectacular Spider-Man (Martin variant); Wolverine (Darrow variant that almost takes the JOWA from Detective).

  3. Good call with the Jeff Jones Gerald, and Chris I hope you are wrong about #300 being the last hurrah, I don’t look ahead, trying to save myself some element of surprise.

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