Covered 365: Day 296

Batman #296, DC Comics, February 1978. Artist: Sal Amendola.

I’m sure I telegraphed this pic through an old Undervalued Spotlight but I really do think Sal Amendola’s stylish cover to Batman #296 wins the day.

I had to pick Dick Dillin’s cover to Detective Comics #296 because of the rainbows theme, and because I enjoy typing out the name Dick Dillin.

I like Bill Sienkiewicz’s Hulk on the cover to Hulk #296, what I don’t like is looking at Rom’s ass.

It was deja vu all over again when I saw Keith Giffen’s cover to Legion of Superheroes #296, I saw it and I thought – hey that’s Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 by George Perez, then when I saw Crisis #7 I thought – hey that’s X-Men #136 by John Byrne. I did a little more digging and saw that this was 1st done by Bob Oksner on Lois Lane #128 back in 1972. I think Perez just traced over Byrne’s cover!!

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1848


  1. Hey Walt …. still awaiting Comic Culture… or is your bud Owen still implementing his Pep inspired curves grading policy?

  2. As I predicted for the choice (but I missed the hands). I actually dig the Detective even without saying Dick Dillin. Not excited about the Hulk and certainly not a fan of that derivative Legion, but I am a big big fan of the Lois Lane inspiration and put my money where my mouth is.

    A few nice covers for #297 but I think Uncanny X-Men is the standout – just beautiful work by Brandon Peterson (and quite seasonal) although lacking a bit in action. Iron Man is my runner up for the composition, action, and drawn simplicity of a good _comic_book_ cover. Bisely’s Hellblazer is fantastic (but I have no idea what is going on) but more of a Heavy Metal cover. I do like Kubert’s “Impossible Dream” House of Mystery, and Sienkiewicz adds another good Hulk cover.

    Action #297 is another apropos cover given what’s coming down the pipe shortly.

    JOWA to Adventure for general weirdness and (again) family/love interest mix-up. What were those DC guys up to in those days?

  3. I took Walt’s advice from the Undervalued Spotlight” and picked up a copy and absolutely love the cover.

    Great choice on both occasions.

  4. That’s a common tragedy theme, I think every comic except the funny animals have done that one. Like the Batman Scarecrow, nice drawing and menace.

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