Four Color #290, Dell Comics, August 1950. Artist: Morris Gollub.
Morris Gollub outdoes himself on the cover of Four Color #290, the pitch-black scene illuminated by the fire’s light.
Joe Kubert gives us a great cover to House of Mystery #290 to start the title’s I Vampire feature. I’ve always thought the girl not to be drawn by Kubert, or Kubert trying to make it look like so.
I like Kieron Dwyer’s name and I also like his cover to Daredevil #290, simple but so hard to resist.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

As a lover of pulps and painted covers I concur on todays pick! When it comes to vampires in comics… Kubert is second fiddle to Colan! Daredevils good… but I always thought Bullseye was such a mean character I always wanted to see him taken out permanently!
The Four Color cover is really outstanding so I agree with Gerald and concur on the pick.
It was slim pickings among today’s choices, but I thought the full screen view of Storm standing in the rain on the cover of X-Men 290 was eye-catching.
Slim pickings indeed Derrick but we weeded a few out, and Gerald – you are so right about Colan and vampires.
The pick is obviously the standout but the other two are pretty good. I don’t get your point about Kubert’s girl, take a look at his Tarzans and you will see similar examples. My main problem with that cover is the goofy expression on the vampire’s face. DD is good but a bit too simple for me.
Mercifully there are a number of candidates for #291. No shoo-in – I am going with Our Army at War – Kubert again. This is a very standard story with half of the cover taken up with titles, banners etc., but what art there is is simply extraordinary. If I had to have only one Sgt. Rock cover I would be satisfied with this one.
Adventure is just a great cover, particularly the colors. Captain America is simple along the lines of today’s Daredevil, but look at Byrne’s figure drawing – fantastic. Donald Duck is physically distressing. FF is probably too detailed, but again it shows Byrne’s mastery, and also his skill in doing “good” homage work. Four Color is also a fairly distressing Donald Duck with nice rich colors. I love Bisley’s Hellblazer but it is basically a poster. Iron Man is cool but not great. You won’t see another cover like Pep these days, and that is a shame.
Action is interesting because it is long before Superman #233 but with the same theme.
No JOWA but a solid battle for the When Cover Art Goes Wrong award between Detective and Marvel Tales.
I saw an eBay listing of Detective 291 that said it was spine splitting… wasn’t sure if that was its condition or just the reaction of looking at it.
Morris Gollub outdoes himself Walt? That’s just one of hundreds of beautiful covers he illustrated. Best artist in comics no one has heard of