Covered 365: Day 285

Amazing Spider-Man #285, Marvel Comics, February 1987. Artist: Mike Zeck.

Mike Zeck! I didn’t realize he had so many great covers, well he obviously had a thing for rooftops and I like the results on his cover to Amazing Spider-Man #285 – the big-ass Punisher with the even bigger-ass bazooka didn’t hurt either.

The Capes! Frank Miller goes all in on the Superman cape and the Batman cape on the cover of World’s Finest #285 and if you look closely enough you’ll see Superman and Batman are there too.

A tale of two clowns, check out Bob Grant’s clown on the cover of Four Color #285 and then Joe Kubert’s clown on the cover of House of Mystery #285, clowns make me feel uncomfortable.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. Bit of odd legs on Batman there, like they’re bending in unusual ways. Though never a reader of The Punisher, good cover on the Spiderman.

  2. While it doesn’t come close to Spiderman 129… I do like the Spidey cover! The Miller cover is a bit odd… but then I think of how Leifeld would make both the legs on the Worlds Finest AND the gun on the Spidey and realize I have no complaints. Yes Walt… clowns creep me out!

  3. It’s just a matter of pushing aside basic anatomy in favour of dramatic license. Same with the oversized cape. In real life, Batman would have a major ACL injury from tripping over his gigantic baggy cape.

  4. I think Walt’s found his feet again after a few missteps. Let’s see how he does next time.
    Day 286 finds Mike Zeck with Captain America again taking the top spot in my eyes. Deathlock is just waiting for better treatment to become a bigger player in the Marvel Movie Universe.
    Runner ups are Uncanny X-Men by Lee, the return of Jean Grey on the cover of Fantastic Four by Byrne, and Batman has Joker’s going wild by Jim Aparo.
    JOWA goes to Superman. Superman’s failed, so now what should he do? Send in his statue as the only hope. Really?!

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