Covered 365: Day 284

Captain America #284, Marvel Comics, October 1982. Artist: Mike Zeck.

There’s a chill in the air this time of year in these parts, as the weather gets cooler let’s hope the covers get hotter. Let’s have a look at today’s batch.

Mike Zeck channels Batman through Cap in his moody cover to Captain America #284, I think John Beatty needs props for the great inks. The flag in the bottom right is just the right touch for this to be owned by Cap.

Keith Giffen does a great job following Rich Buckler with his cover to World’s Finest #284.

You all know I’m a big Kaluta fan and Mike didn’t disappoint me with his devilish cover to House of Mystery #284, those eyes!

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. Yes I like that Cap cover… and for some reason I like this Worlds Finest better then yesterdays…but as much as I like Kaluta… there is something about that House that just doesn’t do it for me…

  2. Thank goodness I see Cap on the list! Had a feeling about that WF, but HoM is a riff on that cradle and pentagram cover a few numbers ago. Still isn’t good, and nothing particularly interesting. Seems to be trying to hard honestly.
    Day 285 goes to Mike Zeck again, but for Amazing Spiderman this time. Classic Punisher artist gives us a classic cover with Spidey to boot!
    Captain America by Zeck is also good, even if Porcupine is not. World’s Finest get redemption with a Frank Miller/Dick Giordano cover. Fantastic Four gives us Byrne’s classic living room cover, he did this more than a few times in his career and is possibly one of the only modern artists to do it. Milgrom does a nice dressed up Hulk cover, nothing great but I like the business look on him. HoM is giving us a pre-IT cover, perhaps Stephen King noticed this.
    JOWA to Detective. It’s just plain dumb.

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