Covered 365: Day 281

Thor #281, Marvel Comics, April 1983. Artist: Keith Pollard.

Keith Pollard gives us a great cover for Thor #281, complete with some Kirby Krackle. We get a full dose of the Thunder God and an up close look at the legendary Mjolnir.

Mike Zeck continues his impressive run of covers for Captain America, Cap #281 is visually satisfying and a nice change-up from the previous issue.

Nick! What have you done!! I can’t wash this image from my brain! I need to Detox from too much Vortox. I heard the original submitted version had Vortox like a German on an Adriatic holiday in 1974, in a Speedo! Thank god for the editors.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1834


  1. Nice Thor and Captain America covers to be sure. Superman……well that is the barbarian Freddy Mercury if I ever saw one.
    Day 282 sees Captain America with the introduction of Nomad by Zeck as a favorite.
    Uncanny introduces Bishop by Jim Lee, Marvel Tales gives us a better version of a Slyde cover by Kyle Baker, Thor’s delivering knuckle sandwiches with extra gusto, Byrne gives us a groovy Fantastic Four, and I can’t explain it, but I just like Daredevil with it’s upside down Silver Surfer by Romita JR.
    JOWA goes to whoever Meli says 😛

  2. That Superman cover should get JOWA for the perspective shot on the antagonist alone. I’m assuming that is DC channeling Sean Connery in Zardoz, which came out the same year. Flash 281 is super bizarre also. For tomorrow, Avengers 282 is an eye-catching cover from Buscema. If “poster-worthy” has weight, then Iron Man 282.

  3. I’ll go with the first two… adequate but not Tony the Tiger “Great!!” What I am really curious about are the little attachments to that Village People wanna be’s thigh high boots!

  4. Traveling this week so I am afraid I can’t give the exercise proper attention.

    I would choose the Captain America over the Thor – I didn’t have the chance to look at anything else for today.

    For tomorrow Captain America again as Zeck is the only game in town. No serious runners-up.

    Interesting that World’s Finest is a structural swipe of Wonder Woman but one year later. However WF is by Kane so it is way ahead.

    No strong JOWAs so I guess it goes to Flash for “Keep out of my life Green Lantern!”

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